Chapter Assignment found below, highlighted in YELLOW.This must be of in your own words.PLEASE answer questions in essay form (minimum of 20 sentences).No Quotes may be used as this does not tell me you have an understanding of the material. Instead of quoting, talk about what theperson said.You may use additional Internet sources that you are given or that you find.NOTE* Use some of the Glossary words at the end of this paper in your writings.
PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT.Questions for Chapter #7 Assignment:[Use book and online resources.]1 . Describe Herbert Spencers Social Darwinism, explaining how and why American embraced it so earnestly.2. William James, although not a true functionalist was a strong forerunner of it. What did James feel was the subject matter ofpsychology and the method of research? What importance did James put on consciousness and what were the characteristics ofconsciousness?3. What does biodeterminism mean in regard to women and education in the U.S. in the late 1800s? What was the VariabilityHypothesis and how was it refuted NOTESWhy Did America Accept Evolutionary Theory Like No Other Country?We all know how evolutionary theory, and Darwins extensive research that seemed to back it up, revolutionized the sciences andfostered many new avenues of research. No branch of science was unaffected. However, you may ask yourselves why America was so willingto embrace this new position. We must look to the American zeitgeist to answer this. In the middle to late 1800s America was a frontiernation.The eastern and southeastern United States, which made up the main portion of U.S. influence was beginning to expand westward on tovast plains and areas rich in natural resources. No where was the idea of individualism greater. Those that settled the frontier wereoften gutsy individuals with an independent spirit and a willingness to work and carve out new territories and towns. The very idea ofDarwins individual differences within a species was clearly visible in the human species.As you read about Herbert Spencer and the application of evolutionary theory to business, politics and everyday life, you will get areal feel for how extensive the impact of this theory was in America. It, and the rise of the American universities, helped to bringthe power from Germany to the United States and make America the main seat of psychological advancement. That power remains today.The Rise of the American UniversityAmerica started building universities and modeling them after both the British and the Germans. This hybrid university modelencompassed British thought and German experimental methodology. British university systems were a bit archaic, but the thought waswell in line with American ideas. By the same token German thought was not well liked but their tradition of experimental design suitedthe emerging nation well.Until the Civil War, all American universities were alike small and with limited curriculum. In 1854, Harvard was 200 years old andhad only 18 faculty members and classes were only taught in such subjects as logic, mathematics, Latin, Greek and religion. Most ofthese preCivil War universities were run by clergy and were rigid and conservative. In 1862, Congress passed the Morrill Act givingland to states if they would build state universities. These universities were to teach such practical courses as agriculture, miningand technical industrial courses. Remember that America was a frontier and was rich in natural resources. It was practical to learnwhat to do with these natural resources and Greek and Latin were of no help. America and American psychology was becoming pragmatic,practical and problem solving.