Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the aggregate-Clearly analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the community in which the aggregate resides.

Paper details
Phase 1 ? selecting your aggregate -Consider a group within your community; city, county, or even your neighborhood.
Suggestions ? a specific age group, a group that you may already interact with such as a club, school, work or organization.
Do not focus on a particular disease process but focus on a group of people as the risk assessment will lead you to the health issues.
Students must have access to the group Phase 2 ? Describing your aggregate-Include the statistics of the state, city, county of your aggregate. Example if you choose your city, the statistics of the state would be appropriate.
Information that should be considered would be
Birth rate
Economic statistics; income
Poverty percentages
Distribution of ages
And others
Include specific information about the aggregate; age, sex, economic status, marital status,culture, education etc.
Interview someone who is knowledgeable about the community. This should not be a member of the aggregate but one who has knowledge of the aggregate.
Develop interview questions that will help you with the interview.
Aggregate approval must be obtained from the instructor.
Phase 1 and 2 will be graded together in Week 2. Use the Week 2 template for your paper found in doc sharing.
Phase 3 ? Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the aggregate-Clearly analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the community in which the aggregate resides.
Clearly analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the group (aggregate) you are working with.
Use the Week 4 template found in doc sharing
Phase 4 ? Risk Assessment- Interview two members of your aggregate; preferably two families or members of the aggregate if more appropriate. (if you have chosen seniors living in an assisted living, you would interview them)
Develop a risk assessment from the interview.
Use the Friedman Assessment Appendix E page 1096 in our text to perform the assessment/interview.
Discuss your findings
Phase 3 and 4 are submitted as one paper.
Use the Week 4 template found in doc sharing.
Phase 5 ? Developing a plan of care- Using the information from the risk assessment, chose several health issues to build a plan of care.
Include minimally one nursing diagnosis, preferably two.
These are not acute care nursing diagnosis but generally will be health behavior related.
For example decreased cardiac output would not be appropriate
Knowledge deficit related to nutritional needs
The interventions must be realistic for the student to implement.
Complete the care plan form, found in doc.sharing
Discuss the elements of the plan of care in your paper.
Use the Week 6 template in doc sharing.
Tips to the plan of care-The plan does not have to be complex
Consider how the plan would work with a small group of people
Be realistic regarding the outcomes; if obesity is the health issue, the desired outcome should not be that the individuals will lose 5 pounds a week. The outcome could be the individuals ride bikes with their children 30 minutes 3 times a week or the individuals keep a food log after a class on healthy eating.
The simplest interventions can have the highest impact; teaching middle school children the importance of hand hygiene or teaching a weary family how to develop good sleeping habits for their children.
The Teach Back method can be powerful when working with adults rather than simply providing written material.
Phase 6? Implementing your plan- Using a small group, implement the plan of care you have developed.
If you chose a large group of people, work with a small representative group to implement your plan.
The plan must be implemented by you, the student.
Remember this is a ?hands on? project.
Use the Week 8 Template found in doc sharing.

Phase 7? Evaluation of the implementation-Compare the projected effectiveness with the actual effectiveness.
Answer the questions on the assignment
Phase 8? Putting it all together-Develop a 6-7 page paper that will include the following
A detailed description of the aggregate
A description of the aggregate’s strengths and weaknesses
A risk assessment of the aggregate
Diagnoses based on the risk assessment
A detailed care plan for the aggregate
A description of how at least one intervention was implemented in the aggregate to address an identified issue
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the intervention
Use the Final Submission Template in doc sharing.
Phase 8? Power Point Presentation-Develop a Power Point presentation of less than 15 slides with highlights of the following information
Description of the aggregate
Aggregate’s strengths and weaknesses
A risk assessment of the aggregate
Nursing Diagnosis
Plan of care
Implementation of one intervention
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the intervention
Key Learnings from the capstone
Information related to an effective Power Point Presentation
can be found in doc sharing.
Phase 7 and 8-Both phases should be submitted as one paper as well as the Power Point Presentation.
Use the Final Submission Template in doc sharing.