Assessment 2 is an essay based on a hypothetical clinical placement in an Indigenous Health Service, and the information and professional development activities required to provide culturally safe nursing care to the local community.

Prior to a clinical placement in an Indigenous health organisation it is important to undertake some research about the organisation and the population it delivers healthcare to. It is also important to identify the ways in which you as a nurse can build your professional development in providing culturally safe care, both prior to beginning a placement and during the placement.
The information relevant to this essay can be found through desk-top research, in other words the information is readily available on the internet. You should not contact the health service directly for information. Please ensure you correctly reference the sources of information you use to support your discussion.
Use the table below to identify the geographic location and the Indigenous health service for your essay based on your family/surname.
Student Family/Surname
Indigenous Health Service
Alice Springs, NT
Central Australian Aboriginal Congress
Cairns, QLD
Wuchopperen Health Service
Geraldton (Rangeway), WA
Geraldton Aboriginal Medical Service
Ballarat, Vic
Ballarat & Districts Aboriginal Co-operative
Canberra (Narrabundah), ACT
Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service
Broken Hill, NSW
Maari Ma Health
NSG2IIH Indigenous Health & Wellbeing: Assessment 2
Introduction: 2.5 marks (of a total of 40)
Begin your assignment with a concise introduction to the essay topic and clear identification of the key aspects of each part of the assignment.
Body of the Essay ? Parts A, B & C
Part A: Population Profile 5 marks (of a total of 40)
In this section you are required to provide a brief population profile of the area in which the health service is located.
This profile should include:
? The location of the Health Service ? town/suburb, state and Rural, Remote and Metropolitan Areas (RRMA) classification (1mark)
? Identification of the local Traditional Custodians using an appropriate reference (1 mark)
? Population statistics ? how many Indigenous people live in the area and what proportion of the total population is the Indigenous population. (1 mark)
? Apart from the Indigenous health service allocated to you, what other Indigenous-specific services are available for the local Indigenous community (1 mark)
? What mainstream (not Indigenous specific) health services are available in the area. These may include, but not limited to, hospitals, General Practitioners, mental health services etc) (1 mark)
Part B: The Indigenous Health Service 10 marks (of a total of 40)
In this section you are required to discuss the concept of self-determination, provide an overview of the Indigenous Health Service allocated to you and choose one program to discuss in detail
1. Briefly discuss the importance of self-determination to Indigenous Australians using Indigenous health services as an example (2 marks)
2. Provide an overview of the Indigenous health service allocated to you including;
? The vision/aspirations/guiding principles of the organisation (2marks)
? A brief summary of the range of services and programs provided for the local community (3marks)
3. Choose one program provided by the service and discuss in detail how it contributes to the health and wellbeing of the local Indigenous community (3 marks)
NSG2IIH Indigenous Health & Wellbeing: Assessment 2
Part C: Professional development 10marks (of a total of 40)
In this section you are required to discuss the importance of on-going professional development for delivering culturally safe nursing care, and detail three (3) examples of how cultural safety skills can be developed.