Based on the hybrid AvgRev chart above, is there a trend? In addition to the yes or no response, explain (give reasons) for the trend or why there is not a trend to be observed. Label your response Question 1. Answer this question in 2 to 3 sentences left-aligned with and under the chart. DO NOT change your spreadsheet. Just respond to the question.
Format: Arial 10 point Normal/Black Left-align text in the cell 22 Question 2: If you had to display a chart for the AvgRev (based on the data in this worksheet) for all four carclasses for the ten quarters into one chart, what type of chart of chart would you use and why would you use it? Label your response Question 2. Answer this question in 2 to 3 sentences in a new row left-aligned with the Question 1 response and one or two rows beneath it. Format: Arial 10 point Normal/Black Left-align text in the cell
Excel Project 1 MS Excel (Fall 2018) Use the following project description to complete this activity (all the details are included in this document, in the 22 steps below). For a review of the rubric used in grading this exercise, click on the Assignments tab, then on the title Excel Project 1. Click on Show Rubrics if the rubric is not already displayed. Summary Create a Microsoft Excel workbook with four worksheets that provides extensive use of Excel capabilities including charting, and written analysis and recommendations in support of a business enterprise. A large rental car company has two metropolitan locations, one at the airport and another centrally located in downtown. It has been operating since 2015 and each location summarizes its car rental revenue quarterly. Both locations rent four classes of cars: economy, premium, hybrid, SUV. Rental revenue is maintained separately for the four classes of rental vehicles. The data for this case resides in the file fall2018rentalcars.txt and can be downloaded by clicking on the Assignments tab, then on the data file name. It is a text file (with the file type .txt). Do not create your own data. You must use the data provided and only the data provided. Default Formatting. All labels, text, and numbers will be Arial 10, There will be $ and comma and decimal point variations for numeric data, but Arial 10 will be the default font and font size. Tutorials Note: Tutorials that address activities used in this project have been assigned in Week 1, 2 and 3. Step Requirement Comments 1 Open Excel and save a blank workbook with the following name: a. Students First InitialLast Name Excel Project 1 Example: JSmith Excel Project 1. b. Set Page Layout Orientation to Landscape. Use Print Preview to review how the first worksheet would print. 2 Change the name of the worksheet to Analysis by. 3 In the Analysis by worksheet: a. Beginning in Row 1, enter the four labels in column A (one label per row) in the following order: Name:, Class/Section:, Project:, Date Due: b. Place a blank row between each label. Please note the colon : after each label. c. Align the labels to the right side in the cells It may be necessary to adjust the column width so the four labels are clearly visible within Column A (not extending into Column B). Format for column A: Arial 10 point Normal font Right-align all four labels in the cells Step Requirement Comments 4 In the Analysis by worksheet with all entries in column C: a. Enter the appropriate values for your Name (in cell C1), Class and Section, Project, Date Due across from the appropriate label in column A. b. Use the formatting in the Comments column (to the right). It may be necessary to adjust the column width so the four labels are clearly visible and are clearly visible within Column C (not extending into Column D). Format for column C: Arial 10 point Bold Left-align all four values in the cells 5 a. Create new worksheets: Data, Sorted, and Airport. Upon completion, there should be Analysis by as well as the three newly created worksheets. b. Delete any other worksheets. Note: The three new worksheets might not have Arial 10 point as the default type so it may be necessary to change the font and point to Arial 10 for the new worksheets. 6 If necessary, reorder the four worksheets so they are in the following order: Analysis by, Data, Sorted, Airport. 7 After clicking on the blank cell A1 (to select it) in the Data worksheet, import the text file fall2018rentalcars.txt into the Data worksheet. The data should begin in Column A, Row 1. Though the intent is to import the text file into the Data worksheet, sometimes when text data is imported into a worksheet, a new worksheet is created. If this happens, delete the blank Data worksheet, and then rename the new worksheet which HAS the recently imported data as Data. It may be necessary to change Revenue data to Currency format ($ and comma (thousands separators)) with NO decimal points, and to change NumCars data to number format, with NO decimal points, but with the comma (thousands separator) because of the import operation. This may or may not occur, but in case it does it needs to be corrected. Adjust all column widths so there is no data or column header truncation. Format: all data (field names, data text, and data numbers) Arial 10 point. The field names should be in the top row of the worksheet with the data directly under it in rows. This action may not be necessary as this is part of the Excel table creation process. The data should begin in column A. Step Requirement Comments 8 In the Data worksheet: a. Create an Exc