Assessment 2: Guided Professional Case Study Analysis Weighting: 40% Word count: 1000 words Due date: Week 7 Wednesday 2nd September 2015, by 5pm Submission details: Online, Refer to Submission Requirements (p.24) Marking criteria and standards:

Assessment 2: Guided Professional Case Study Analysis Weighting: 40% Word count: 1000 words Due date: Week 7 Wednesday 2nd September 2015, by 5pm Submission details: Online, Refer to Submission Requirements (p.24) Marking criteria and standards:See p.18 Aim of...

A Definition of Advanced Practice Nursing Ann B. Hamric This chapter considers two central questions that provide the foundation for this text: ?Why is it important to define carefully and clearly what is meant by the term advanced practice nursing?

A Definition of Advanced Practice Nursing Ann B. Hamric This chapter considers two central questions that provide the foundation for this text: ?Why is it important to define carefully and clearly what is meant by the term advanced practice nursing??What distinguishes...