Choose at least three (3) of the related topics below to discuss in full detail. If three (3) topics are not enough to give you 300 words for your primary discussion

Diabetic nephropathy

Order Description
1. Ability to post to the Discussion Forum opens at 12:05am on Sunday of weeks 2 through 7. The only exception is if a Discussion is required in week 1. Then the posting is done Tuesday evening after your teaching assistant assignment is made.

2. Students must post an INITIAL thread to the Discussion Forum by 11:55pm Tuesday of that particular week based on the directions provided by the instructor for that week’s topic. The maximum size of the posting is 300 words and the use of at least two (2) peer reviewed journals. (The textbook is not a peer reviewed journal.)

3. Students must RESPOND to at least one (1) posting from his/her peers by 11:55pm Thursday of that particular week based on the directions provided by the instructor for that week’s topic. The maximum size of the posting is 200 words and the use of at least one (1) peer reviewed journals. (The textbook is not a peer reviewed journal.)

4. The instructor and or teaching assistant will monitor and participate in the discussion as needed.
5. If the instructor or teaching assistant requests a specific response from a student regarding a posting, student is required to respond to the instructor as indicated by 11:55pm Thursday of that particular week.
6. Postings will be graded individually using the rubric posted on Moodle. Individual feedback will be provided in the grade book or by email.

7. No minimum number of words is stated but it is expected that students construct their postings to come close to the maximum number of words. Postings that are too short, will lose points at the discretion of the instructor/teaching assistant.
Instructor Comments:
Proficient Outcome
(15 to 20 Points)
Competent Outcome
(8 to 14 Points)
Developing Outcome
(1 to 7 Points)
Points on Each Post
Earned Points on
Earned Points on Secondary
Comments were responsive to the discussion item posted.
Comments were generally responsive to the discussion item posted.
Comments were minimally responsive to the discussion item posted.
20 & none
Contribution of New Ideas
Contributed new information to the discussion by bringing in relevant ideas from outside course (prior knowledge). Shared new perspective or analysis of ideas. Substantive comments and questions that significantly helped to move the discussion forward.
Provided a few examples of follow-up questions or examples to add new perspectives. Made comments or asked questions that helped to move the conversation forward.
Minimal contribution of new information to the discussion. Minimal contribution to the discussion to help move the discussion forward.
Showed minimal or no evidence of reading classmates’ postings. Did not respond to a peer’s posting.
20 & 20
Expression of Ideas; APA Style
Elaborated on ideas of others including instructor and classmates by sharing additional examples and adding further explanation; Discussion was expressed in a clear and respectful manner; APA style adhered to; no spelling or grammar errors; is within word limits.
Postings were constructive but lacking clarity; Posting done in a respectful manner; Moderate problems with APA style noted; minimal problems with spelling or grammar; exceeds word limits.
Minimal follow-up on others’ ideas; Ideas expressed unclear; Posting was expressed in a respectful manner; Major problems with APA style evident; moderate problems with spelling or grammar; exceeds word limits.
20 & 20
Total Score



Diabetes is an insidious disease process which slowly touches all parts of the patient’s life. One of the major areas is that of the kidneys. Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease in the United States (Batuman, 2014). Other terms related to this medical problem are diabetic glomerulosclerosis, intercapillary glomerulonephritis, and Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease (Wisse, 2013).


Choose at least three (3) of the related topics below to discuss in full detail. If three (3) topics are not enough to give you 300 words for your primary discussion, select a fourth (4th). When responding to a classmate, do “NOT” select someone who wrote on the same topics as you did. This will give you the opportunity to grow.
Topics to choose from for discussion:

Screening Lab tests

Disease development Treatment

Diagnostic criteria Signs & Symptoms

Potential long term complications Comorbidities

Nutrition Prevention

Social implications Prognosis

Your comments should show critical analysis of the topic and, in addition, must be supported by evidence from the scholarly literature (preferably peer-reviewed nursing journals). The maximum size of the posting is 300 words and the use of at least two (2) peer reviewed journals. (The textbook is not a peer reviewed journal.) Your response must be typed or copied and pasted directly into the discussion thread and include citation of sources in-text and a reference list in APA format. Please double space between paragraphs but do NOT use double spacing or indentions throughout. No file can be uploaded.