Clark and Springer (2007) conducted a qualitative study to examine the perceptions of faculty and students in a nursing program on incivility. Their key research questions were:
How do nursing students and nurse faculty contribute to incivility in nursing education?

What are some of the causes of incivility in nursing education?
What remedies might be effective in preventing or reducing incivility?
They gathered responses from the Incivility in Nursing Education Survey (INE), which included both Likert-scale and open-ended questions from 36 nursing faculty and 168 nursing students. Each of the researchers reviewed all comments and organized them by themes.
For this PSY-850 class, you will design a ?mock? replication of the Clark and Springer (2007) study on student and faculty perceptions of incivility in a university nursing program. However, the doctoral students will investigate student and faculty perceptions in undergraduate psychology classes in one university located in the northern United States.
You will use the Incivility in Higher Education (IHE) survey, developed by Clark (2007; 2011) for the purposes of this study. Questions on the survey measure faculty and student perceptions of uncivil actions (disruptive and threatening), how often those behaviors occur and strategies for improving civil behaviors in university settings. The IHE was adapted from the INE, with minor rewording, is similar in structure to the survey used by Clark and Springer, but is appropriate for any academic discipline within higher education (Wagner, 2014).

The IHE has three parts. Part 1 collects demographic information, such as major, gender, age, and years of teaching experience for faculty. Part 2 asks individuals to rank 16 different behaviors exhibited by students that both students and faculty may perceive as disruptive. Part 3 focuses on 20 faculty behaviors that may be perceived as disruptive. Both parts 2 and 3 also investigate how often the faculty has experienced the behavior in the past 12 months (often to never on Likert scale), and if the faculty members have experienced any of the 13 threatening behaviors (yes or no) by students or other faculty respectively. Five open-ended questions give the faculty member the opportunity to add contributing factors related to student and faculty incivility, and how students or faculty in particular contribute to incivility. A final question asked if the faculty member would like to add comments. The survey is designed in a manner that allows for gathering data from faculty and students or from only faculty or only students (C. Clark, personal communication, 2013 as cited in Wagner, 2014).
Week 2 Assignment: (Read the following article and construct a 10 key points document.)
GCU doctoral learners use the 10 Key Strategic Points document to outline the key components of a research study. For the Week 2 assignment, you will use the original Clark and Springer (2007) to identify and construct a 10 key points document in preparation for the mock study on incivility in psychology classes.
Read Clark, C. M., & Springer, P. J. (2007). Thoughts on incivility: Student and faculty perceptions of uncivil behavior. Nursing Education Perspectives, 28(2), 93-97. Retrieved from
As you read, highlight information that relates to the 10 key points, such as the purpose, problem, sample, research question, etc.
After reading and highlighting the components of the article, complete the 10 key points table based on the Clark and Springer (2007) study in nursing education.

Ten Strategic Points Comments or Feedback
Broad Topic Area
Lit Review
Problem Statement ?This study was conducted using quantitative and qualitative methodologies to investigate the problem of incivility in nursing education in a university environment from both student and faculty perspectives? (Clark and Springer, 2007, p. 94).
Rewrite this in ?GCU? format.
Research Questions
Sample Sample: identify the sample from the Clark and Springer study.