I need an outline that includes:

A. Indicate the Community Credit Event you will be analyzing.

B. Indicate the Sociological Theory you will be using to analyze the event.

C. Indicate why you are using that theory.

 APA formatted title page and reference page with 4 (four) scholarly journal articles

Community Credit Assignment

Due Aug 5 by 11:59pm Points 50 Submitting a file upload (Turnitin enabled) Available until Aug 7 at 11:59pm

Start Assignment

For this assignment, you will engage in an analysis of a community event (or research question) of your choice from a sociological perspective. The goal of this assignment is to apply concepts from course content to understand your own community, how societal institutions function, influence behavior, and the importance of being engaged in society. The paper should be 2 pages (not including the title and

reference page). Use APA formatting throughout the paper, using in-text citations and scholarly reference sources (to include your textbook).

1. Event Observation:

Attend/observe the event with a sociological lens, paying attention to the interactions, behaviors, and social dynamics among participants. Take notes or record your observations, focusing on aspects related to sociology, such as social class, gender, race/ethnicity, power dynamics, or social roles.

1. Sociological Analysis: Apply sociological concepts and theories discussed in class or from your readings to analyze the event. Examine how social structures, institutions, and cultural norms influence behavior and interactions of participants. Identify patterns or trends that emerge from your analysis and consider their implications for the community. Include one or two examples relevant to the event and analysis. It can be a comparison/contrast or research that further illustrates your discussion and explanation of the event. Summarize key findings of your analysis and the overall impact of the event.

ESSAY STRUCTURE (APA STYLE, 7TH ED.) 1. Title page 2. Body of Paper:

1. History / background of event 1. Describe background of event and significance to community 2. Open with a strong statement such as a question, song lyric, quote, etc. that grabs the

reader’s attention. 2. Sociological Theory:

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Community Credit Assignment

Indicate which of the three main sociological theories you’re using to analyze the event. Provide definition/key theorists and discuss why this theory was the most appropriate.

3. Analysis: Explain the event using the sources you found and discuss the event through the lens of the sociological theory. Bring in one or two examples that further support or illustrate your analysis points.

4. Conclusion: Summarize the event, sociological theory, and discussion. Based on your research and observation at the event, include any future trends or the implication of the event on the larger community.

3.Reference page Sources in APA format: Remember to include your textbook!

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Criteria Ratings Pts

20 pts

15 pts

Demonstration of Sociological Concepts and Theories (40%)

Identifies and applies relevant sociological concepts and theories to analyze community dynamics and social issues. Provides clear explanations and examples to support the application of sociological concepts and theories.

20 pts Accomplished

Exemplary performance in demonstrating sociological concepts and theories. The paper showcases a thorough understanding and accurate application of a wide range of relevant sociological concepts and theories. The writer effectively integrates these concepts and theories into the analysis of community dynamics and social issues, providing insightful and nuanced interpretations. The examples provided are highly relevant, and the writer demonstrates an exceptional ability to connect theory to real-world observations.

15 pts Proficient

Competent performance in demonstrating sociological concepts and theories. The paper demonstrates a solid understanding of key sociological concepts and theories and their application to the analysis of community dynamics and social issues. The writer effectively employs relevant concepts and theories to support their analysis, providing clear explanations and examples. While the application may be somewhat predictable or lack depth in some areas, overall, it showcases a sound understanding of sociological principles.

8 pts Developing

Partial performance in demonstrating sociological concepts and theories. The paper demonstrates a limited understanding and application of sociological concepts and theories. The writer may struggle to clearly identify and articulate relevant concepts, resulting in a superficial or incomplete analysis. The examples provided may be somewhat disconnected from the concepts discussed, and there may be inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the application of sociological theories. Improvement is needed in linking theoretical concepts to the analysis of community dynamics.

0 pts No Marks

Inadequate performance in demonstrating sociological concepts and theories. The paper shows a significant lack of understanding and application of sociological concepts and theories. The writer's analysis lacks depth and fails to integrate relevant sociological perspectives. The examples provided are weak or irrelevant, and there may be a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of key concepts. The paper may also demonstrate a failure to connect sociological theories to the analysis of community dynamics.

Critical Thinking and

15 pts Full Marks

12 pts Proficient

6 pts Developing

0 pts No Marks

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Criteria Ratings Pts

10 pts

Analysis (30%)

Demonstrates a deep understanding of the community's social structures, institutions, and interactions. Presents a thoughtful analysis of the community's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Engages in critical reflection and raises thought- provoking questions about community dynamics and social inequalities.

The paper demonstrates exceptional critical thinking skills, offering deep insights into the community's social structures, institutions, and interactions. The analysis is well- developed, providing a comprehensive understanding of the community's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The writer raises thought- provoking questions and challenges conventional perspectives, showcasing a sophisticated understanding of social inequalities and community dynamics.

The analysis is well-rounded, providing a clear understanding of the community's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The writer raises relevant questions and offers insights into social inequalities and community dynamics, showcasing a thoughtful approach.

The analysis may be superficial or lack depth in some areas, providing a limited understanding of the community's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The writer may raise some questions, but they may lack relevance or fail to offer significant insights into social inequalities and community dynamics.

The analysis lacks coherence and fails to provide a meaningful understanding of the community's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The writer may not raise relevant questions or offer insights into social inequalities and community dynamics.

Evidence and Support (20%)

Supports arguments and claims with reliable and relevant evidence from scholarly sources, empirical data, or community observations. Utilizes

10 pts Accomplished

Exemplary performance in providing evidence and support with adherence to APA style. The paper consistently supports arguments and claims with a wide range of reliable and relevant evidence from scholarly sources, empirical data, and community observations, accurately cited and

8 pts Proficient

Competent performance in providing evidence and support with adherence to APA style. The paper supports arguments and claims with reliable and relevant evidence from scholarly sources, empirical data, or

4 pts Developing

Partial performance in providing evidence and support with adherence to APA style. The paper provides limited or inconsistent evidence to support arguments and claims, with occasional deviations from APA style in citations and references. The writer

0 pts No Marks

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Total Points: 50

Criteria Ratings Pts

5 pts

appropriate APA citations and references to reinforce arguments and ideas. Demonstrates an ability to critically evaluate and interpret different sources of information.

referenced in APA style. The writer demonstrates exceptional skill in integrating and analyzing evidence, offering strong citations and references that reinforce arguments and ideas. The evaluation and interpretation of different sources of information are highly insightful and well- founded, consistently following APA guidelines.

community observations, accurately cited and referenced in APA style. The writer effectively utilizes citations and references to reinforce arguments and ideas, following APA guidelines. A few minor errors present.

may rely heavily on personal anecdotes or generalizations rather than using scholarly sources, empirical data, or community observations. Citations and references may be missing or inadequately formatted in APA style.

Clarity and Organization (10%)

Presents ideas and arguments in a clear and coherent manner. Organizes the paper logically, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Uses appropriate transitions and provides smooth connections between ideas.

5 pts Accomplished

The overall organization enhances the reader's understanding and engagement with the content. No or minimal errors in grammar. Easily understandable information.

4 pts Proficient

Organization, grammar, and spelling are all done with minimal errors.

2 pts Developing

Some errors in writing that disrupt understanding of the paper. Please be sure to proofread.

0 pts No Marks

Significant errors in writing that take away from the writing and make parts of it difficult to understand. I would recommend taking advantage of the writing center to support your writing.

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For this assignment, YOU must choose the event for which you are to write. For example, if you attended any Juneteenth activities, LBGT or Pride events last month, or 4th of July events, or even family reunion, you can use those as your topic for the assignment. Assignment 4 is the outline for the community credit assignment for which you must include the title page and four sources formatted in APA style. There is a link to follow APA style under the "Getting Started tab" under modules. The four APA formatted sources or references for your paper should also include your textbook (which is found on the first page of the course syllabus formatted in APA), which means you need to find only 3 other academic references. These references should be scholarly sources found in the BCCC library e-databases. Using Google scholar is also permitted. However, the topic of your references should be generally about the subject of the event. For example, if you attended the Afram festival, then you should do research on the history of organized African American gatherings. Remember that the objective of this assignment is to incorporate sociological theory into your understanding of a relevant community event. Only use the three main sociological theories taught in this course: Structural -Functionalism, Social- Conflict, Symbolic-Interaction.

For this assignment, you will choose a relevant community event of your choice and analyze it from one of the main social theories covered in class. The goal of this assignment is to apply sociological concepts and theories to understand the event, social interaction, and social institutions.

You should conduct research using your text, and peer-reviewed/scholarly journal articles to critically reflect on the topic of the event, incorporate any observations,

analyze social behaviors, and explore the impacts on the community it represents.

I need an outline that includes:

A. Indicate the Community Credit Event you will be analyzing.

B. Indicate the Sociological Theory you will be using to analyze the event.

C. Indicate why you are using that theory.

APA formatted title page and reference page with 4 (four) scholarly journal articles