Critically evaluate the case study utilizing the RLT Model for Nursing to provide holistic care to Elizabeth ? Critically analyse Elizabeth?s activities of living (ALs) to determine which interdisciplinary team members will need to be involved to ensure a collaborative approach to care ? Demonstrates knowledge of the requirements to prepare Elizabeth for discharge

Details of Assessment Tasks 1. Assessment task 1 Assessment Title Case Study Task Description Part A
Elizabeth is a 68 year old woman who has been brought into the Emergency Department. Paramedics handover the patient to you as the Registered Nurse working in the resuscitation room stating Elizabeth has been involved in a head-on Motor Vehicle Crash (MVC). They tell you that Elizabeth has a history of Atrial Fibrillation (AF), Hypertension (HT) and Osteoporosis and her current medications are Metoprolol, Warfarin and Calcium Carbonate. They also tell you Elizabeth lives alone and is complaining of right hip pain.
Using the ABCDEFG algorithm of assessment, outline the priorities of nursing assessment and care for Elizabeth based on the information provided in the case study. You should consider the mechanism of injury, patient history and current medications in your response. (1400words).
Part B
Elizabeth has been transferred to D6, an Orthopaedic Ward. He has had surgery on his hip for a fractured Neck Of Femur (#NOF). 6 weeks later, Elizabeth is ready to be discharged home. You are the nurse caring for Elizabeth on D6 and are preparing her for discharge.
Critically analyse what you will need to do as a nurse to prepare for Elizabeth to be discharged home. For this, you will need to utilise the Roper, Logan and Tierney Model for Nursing and also consider who you may need to incorporate from the interdisciplinary team to ensure a holistic and collaborative approach to care (1400words).
This assessment should include a brief introduction and conclusion (approximately 100 words each). This assessment should be structured as per the University?s assessment handbook guidelines. You may use headings for this paper. All information should be supported with current evidence from quality sources such as prescribed textbooks, journal articles, policies, procedures, guidelines and other reputable resources. Assessment Due Date Thursday 22nd September 2016 23:55pm (Week 9) Return Date to Students 21 days following submission Assessment Length 3000 words Weighting 50% Assessment Criteria Content ? 70% Evidence & Referencing ? 15% Presentation & Structure – 15% Referencing Style Author ? Date (Harvard) A summary of the Harvard system can be accessed in the online guide on the Library website at: Submission Your assignment will be submitted into a Turnitin submission box within the NMIH305 Moodle site. You will have the opportunity to review and re-submit your assignment up to the due date and time. To learn more about how to use Turnitin please access the resources at the following link:
Subject Learning Outcomes Assessed

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NMIH305: Care of People with Complex Conditions Assessment 1: Marking Guide ATTACH MARKING GUIDE AFTER REFERENCE LIST FOR HARDCOPY ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION Student No ??????????.. Campus ????????. Tutorial Group ?????.
Part A ? Critically reviews the information provided to clearly outline the priorities of nursing assessment and care for Elizabeth using the ABCDEFG algorithm
30-35 /35
Part B ? Critically evaluate the case study utilizing the RLT Model for Nursing to provide holistic care to Elizabeth ? Critically analyse Elizabeth?s activities of living (ALs) to determine which interdisciplinary team members will need to be involved to ensure a collaborative approach to care ? Demonstrates knowledge of the requirements to prepare Elizabeth for discharge
Evidence & Referencing ? All generalisations supported by current evidence ? Presents and describes a range of quality evidence including research-based literature, clinical practice guidelines, policy documents and textbooks ? Correct in-text referencing and formation of reference list
0 0
1-2 1-2
2.5-3 2.5-3
3.5-4 3.5-4
5 5
Presentation and Structure ? Correct syntax, grammar, punctuation and spelling ? Appropriate margins, page numbering, font, style, page limit ? Introduction, body & conclusion well structured, easy to read
0 0 0
1-2 1-2 1-2
2.5 2.5 2.5
3.5-4 3.5-4 3.5-4
4.5-5 4.5-5 4.5-5
This assignment is worth 50% of the total assessment for this subject. Comments
Marker?????????????????????????????Date ????.

/ 100
Late Penalty (if applicable):

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2. Assessment task 2
Assessment Title Final Exam Task Description The exam will consist of multiple choice and short answer questions based on the content covered in tutorials, lectures, workshops and pre-readings throughout the semester. A pass rate of 50% in this exam must be achieved to pass/complete this subject.
Assessment Due Date UOW Exam Period Return Date to Students 1st December Assessment Length 120 minutes Weighting 50% Assessment Criteria N/A Referencing Style N/A Submission N/A
Subject Learning Outcomes Assessed