Define which of the six ethical principles are central to this issue. There are specific nursing principles please pick one of those that are applicable to the situation.

Bioethical issue in the area of Labor and Delivery Nursing. The issue is termination of pregnancy for non life threatening genetic disorders. The situation a woman came in to the hospital to terminate her pregnancy because her babies Ultrascreen test and Amniocentesis determined that her baby had Downs Syndrome.
Please describe the tests listed and what Downs Syndrome is and how it is diagnosed in utero.
2. Define which of the six ethical principles are central to this issue. There are specific nursing principles please pick one of those that are applicable to the situation.
Please define the ethical principal. And how it relates to the situation.
3. Use any model for ethical decision making. Please make sure it applies to nursing.
A, state and describle the conflicts and interests of all involved. Ie thepatient( parents) nurses and the doctors. I don’t think she should do this but I have to take care of her anyway in a non judgemental and ethical way.
You can make note that I am 5 month pregnant and have only done the Ultra Screen and have no interst in doing an Amnio because it doesn’t matter to me as long as the disorder is not life threatening to me or the baby I am going to have this baby and take care of all of their needs. Whthere they have a genetic disorder or not.
B, Outline all possible options and interest of all involved. Ie adoption for the patient and what the nurses and doctors should do so that their personal beliefs regarding this situation does not impede in the care of the patient.
C, list the pros and cons of each suggested solutions.
4. Select a solution and defend it. Include trhe impact of this solution of all involved. Discuss how the issue was handled by the interdisciplinary team. This should be very reflective and not as formal as the above. The solution would be for me to try to get the parents to consider adoption and if not and I had to take care of her as she terminated her pregnancy to put my personal feelings on the back burnerand take care of this patients according to nursing standards. If I could not ask my nurse manager to be reassigned to another patients. You can put in that I would never consider terminating a pregnancy unless there was a fetal demise or eminent fetal demise. And that I would really try to do my best to see this situation from the patients perspective and not my own in order to take care of her properly, respectfully and ethically. I signed up for this when I decided to become a nurse I have to take the good with the bad. The interdisciplinary team did all they could to convince this mother otherwise but she said she did not want to take care of a child with special needs and believed that she could not love the baby if it had a genetic disorder so the team carried out her wished even though they didn’t neccacarily agree with it.