Develop, describe, and analyze the structure of a selected phenomenon of interest in nursing.
Phenomenon of interest (Title)Influence of Lived Experiences on Non-Adherence to Prostrate Cancer Screening: A Phenomenal Interpretive Case Study of Jamaican men in
South Florida
Objective: To develop, describe, and analyze the structure of a selected phenomenon of interest in nursing. Page numbers are limited to 12-15 double-spaced (12 font)
pages (excluding title page, abstract, and references). If pages go over 15 pages, additional pages will NOT be read and you will NOT receive credit for that section.
This paper this will include six sections with explanations in the guidelines. Please note details on the grading rubric.
Components of the Concept Analysis: State of the Knowledge Paper
1. Abstract (3 points)
2. Introduction of the idea/concept (relate the concept to one or more theories) (7 points)
3. Historical evolution of the concept in various disciplines (25 points)
4. Key issues (25 points)
5. Build a concept analysis. Use steps 4-7 of the Rodgers approach to concept analysis/development as outlined in Rodgers and Knafl (2000), page 44. (30
6. Summary (10 points)
7. References
Writing guidelines for the Concept Analysis: State of Knowledge Paper
1. This is a scholarly work that must represent the breadth, depth, and original thinking of the author(s).You must adhere to the principles of APA (6th ed.).
2. Use the following headings for this paper: Introduction, Historical evolution, Identification of Issues, Concept Analysis, Summary, and References. You may
also include subheadings (optional).
3. Provide an abstract. Must be one page (may be single spaced—APA exception). Must follow the title page. Use the same headers used in the paper for the
abstract which are: Introduction, Historical evolution, Identification of Issues, Concept Analysis, and Summary.
4. You may include figures or graphs (place in appendices) as appropriate to illustrate major points
5. Your paper should not exceed 15 pages, excluding title page, abstract, references, and appendices.
Grading rubric for Concept Analysis: State of the Knowledge Paper
StudentsÂ’ Name: ________________________________________________Date____________
Criteria Possible Points Points Earned
Abstract. Presented an abstract per the guidelines of the assignment.
Professor comments: 3
Introduction of the concept. The introduction described the phenomenon and provided a brief outline of the major areas to be presented.
Professor Comments: 7
Historical evolution. The paper clearly addressed the historical evolution from the viewpoint of different disciplines as well the discipline of nursing. This
discussion should include different periods of history.
Professor comments: 25
Key issues. Clearly identified and discussed at least 3 to 5 conceptual or theoretical issues/frameworks that have arisen in evolution of the phenomenon.
Professor comments:
Concept analysis. The student clearly presented a beginning concept analysis using steps 4-7 of the Rodgers approach to concept analysis/development as outlined in
Rodgers and Knafl (2000), page 44.
Professor comments:
Summary. A summary addressing the state of the science with respect to the phenomenon in general and implications for research addressing the concept in particular was
clearly presented.
Professor comments:
Content, clarity, and organization of ideas
The paper clearly explicated the state of the knowledge/science of a particular phenomenon of interest. The paper should be in APA (6th ed.) format with title page,
abstract, and references with a majority of primary sources. The paper should not exceed 15 pages, excluding title page, abstract, references, tables, and any figures.
(Place tables, figures, etc. in the appendices).The paper should be free of grammatical errors.
Professor comments:
References: If you decide to use direct quotes (I suggest you NOT do this often if at all!), you should see APA for the pages about quotes in order to avoid
plagiarism. Your references should be mostly primary sources but may include some secondary sources as appropriate. These citations should follow precise APA and for
students not following APA throughout the paper and on the reference as much as 10 points may be subtracted from the final paper.
Textbooks used in the class.. (References)
Chinn, P.L. & Kramer, M.K. (2012). Intergrated knowledge and theory development in
nursing. (8th ed. ). St. Louis: Elsevier.
Rodgers, B. L., & Knafl, K. A. (2000). Concept development in nursing: Foundations,
techniques, and applications. Philadelphia: Saunders.