Discuss In 1500- 2000 words, critically discuss one of the following topics.

Clinical Governance Essay

Order Description

Negative patient outcomes are associated with poorer skill mix (that is, lower proportions of registered nurses). However, this finding is not reflected in current workforce trends, where many jurisdictions are employing increasing numbers of non-regulated health workers. Elements of change, complexity and ambiguity of health environments for nurses and patients, and relate this discussion to the safety and effectiveness of patient care. I will attach 3 articles which I have found which may be helpful as we are required to have 20 references.

Discuss In 1500- 2000 words, critically discuss one of the following topics.
(Intext citations are included in the word count, but the reference list is not.)

Inform your work by reading and referencing peer-reviewed nursing and health literature, particularly from the last 5 years. Use your reflections and insights from your experiences and observations during your studies to help you identify key issues and opportunities that are relevant to the chosen topic. Ensure you discuss elements of change, complexity and ambiguity of health environments for nurses and patients, and relate the discussion to the safety and effectiveness of patient care.

Choose one topic:
Patient complaints have the potential to improve clinical governance, but unfortunately the critical feedback is often not used to improve systems or practices. Discuss.
Dr Jayant Patel was brought to account for his incompetent and negligent practice in Queensland, but this justice relied on the combined actions of an insider whistleblower, the public media, and a state parliamentarian. With more effective clinical governance at the hospital and regional level, this would not have occurred. Discuss.
Funding for preventative healthcare is not sufficiently supported by Medicare. Discuss.
Nurse practitioners are the pinnacle of clinical nursing; they are also expected to be active in research, education, policy, and clinical governance. This makes their positions implausible. Discuss.
Negative patient outcomes are associated with poorer skill mix (that is, lower proportions of registered nurses). However, this finding is not reflected in current workforce trends, where many jurisdictions are employing increasing numbers of non-regulated health workers. Discuss.
Marking rubric will be availble on Moodle.

Guidelines for a written paper:
– word-processed using ‘Times New Roman’ font size ‘12’
– double line spacing on an A4 page
– 2.5 cm margin on all pages
– The journal articles used to support your analyses should be primarily recent (within five years), published, peer reviewed, nursing and health research journal articles to support your arguments.
– Plan your work well, do a draft plan, rewrite it and proof read it (and cycle the reading and rewriting as many times as neccessary) before you submit it.
– Every page of your assignment must have your Student ID and name on the bottom of the page in the footer.
– Please submit your final work for marking through Moodle.
– Please check, consider and use any feedback on your writing you have previously been given.
– Please collect feedback from all your assignments and use it to improve your learning and your demonstrations of your learning
Academic writing style and structure must be maintained throughout the paper and include:
– an introduction
– a body which presents and analyses the key issues
– a conclusion
– a reference list
– an appendix (if necessary) at the end.
Clarity and Expression: Concepts should be analysed and discussed without unnecessary verbiage. The paper must demonstrate correct grammatical expression and spelling. Poor grammar obscures meaning in your discussion. It is very useful to ask someone else to proof read your paper to eliminate errors.
Referencing Requirements: Students are referred to the Pocket guide to APA Style by Perrin (2012). The referencing guide can also be viewed online at: http://canberra.libguides.com/content.php?pid=238252&sid=1966106
PLEASE NOTE: You should always keep a copy of all assignments. Always back-up your assignments as you work on them. Do NOT rely on thumb drives, which can be very easily misplaced or stolen. In addition, thumb drives can be unreliable and may stop working.