Discuss some of the ways in which your organization is using technology in an effort to improve patient care. How significant a change would it be for your facility to incorporate some of the technological advances illustrated in the course materials you just viewed? Does your facility currently employ a nursing informatics specialist?
Please note that the only Aelements of concern in a journal assignment are your intext citations and references. Before completing your journal, review and reflect upon the readings and the videos, then discuss some of the ways in which your organization is using technology in an effort to improve patient care. How significant a change would it be for your facility to incorporate some of the technological advances illustrated in the course materials you just viewed? Does your facility currently employ a nursing informatics specialist? If so, what are some of or her responsibilities? Be sure to refer to the week?s reading and/or field trips in your response.Complete your Journal as a Word? document.Your finished journal entry should be, at minimum, 5 well-developed paragraphs with more than 3 sentences per paragraph.As tassignment is a journal entry and not a formal paper, it may at times be difficult to follow the organization, style, and formatting of the A6th Edition Manual. Despite this, your journal assignment should:clearly establish and maintain the viewpoint and purpose of the assignment; follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.); be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful; display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and use A6th edition forfor crediting sources.View the Journal Grading Rubric for tassignment under the Course Home. Journal Readings: Brokel, J. (2007). Creating sustainability of clinical information systems. The chief nurse officer and nurse informatics specialist roles. Journal of Nursing Administration, 37(1), 1-13.LeTourneau, B. (2004). Communicate for change. Journal of Healthcare Management, 49(6), 354-357.Kane, K. (2010). E-health and nursing informatics. British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(4), 157.Nicholl, L. H. (2003). Education and networking in nursing informatics. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 21(5), 275-286. resources:There are numerous videos available on the that are relevant to professional nursing and health care. Tlink shows how many videos on technology in healthcare are available on a simple Google? video search. Take the time to review several of thvideos. Take the time to assess the value of thresources.Take a look at some of the ways in which Vanderbilt Children?s Hospital is using technology in an effort to improve patient outcomes. Vanderbilt Children?s Hospital. (2007, October 22). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ueTFjcTtco Then view a video that depicts some of the innovations scheduled for a 365-bed, 775,000 sq. ft. Palomar Medical Center West facility in San Diego County, scheduled to open in 2011.resources: (p 2)Cisco Connected Health. (2008, February 24). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMtMWdlX9Z8 What is Nursing Informatics. (2009, April 13). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq4n8u6H-WM WiseSo2010. (2009, March 27). An Interview with a Nursing Informatics Specialist. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2Rj4nz0zmc&feature=related Nursing Informatics. (2009, April 26). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kZv-Me6OOA&feature=related Cleveland Clinic. (2010). Nursing informatics. Retrieved from https://my.clevelandclinic.org/nursing/informatics.aspx Kaminski, J. (2010). Process. Retrieved from https://www.nursing-informatics.com/process.html OVERVIEW In tunit, you will learn about the role of informatics in improving patient outcomes. You will also study the change process, and learn how to manage the change that comes into play when new systems are introduced to an existing system.Nothing is permanent; life is a flux. [Greek philosopher] Heraclitus has said that you cannot step twice in the same river. It is impossible to step twice in the same river because the river has flowed on; everything has changed. And not only has the river flowed on, you have also flowed on (WordPress.com, n. d., para. 1). Health care organizations today are similar, in that they are in a state of continuous change. Today Americans are living longer and as health care consumers, they have more information to consider than ever before. Health care consumers are more ethnically and racially diverse. Health care costs are continuing to rise. The continued aging of the professional nursing workforce and the current nursing shortage are also changing the health care environment. Societal forces affect access, quality, and cost issues in health care. In order to be effective in tconstantly changing environment nurses nto understand and be competent in managing change.Facilitating organizational change is a complex process in which one of many change models can be used as a framework. Each model may be suited to a different situation; therefore, an approach that works with one change activity might not work as well with a different one. No matter which model is used, nurses can expect to participate and contribute as effective agents of change in any situation. NURSING INFORMATICS &CHANGE According to Sandy Savage (personal communication, April 16, 2010), Associate Director of Informatics at Kingman Regional Medical Center (KRMC) in Kingman, Arizona, a nursing informaticist?s primary responsibility is that of a liaison or even a translator between the Information Technolog