Diversity and Health: Cultural Safety; Indigenous Perspectives Page 1 of 5 Assessment 2 Description and general instructions: • TASK: These are three short essays: parts 1, 2 and 3. You must complete either option A or option B for each part • Word Length: 1500 words total -500 words for each part 10% under or over the limit is acceptable •

Due to word restrictions you DO NOT need to write an introduction and conclusion for the short essays, as you would in a single full length essay • Weight: 50% • Submission: Assignment Minder • Due Date: Monday 2nd June, by 8pm • Marking: See the marking guide (CRA) on the Blackboard site under ‘assessment’ tab • Presentation: Student and tutor’s name; 12 pt. font; double line spaced; word count for EACH step, page numbers, pages stapled, paragraphs that deal with 1 point at a time, NO DOT POINTS, frequent, accurate and detailed reference to supporting academic sources Academic writing tips: • You may wish to create headings that outline your essay structure as headings can keep you focused and the marker can easily see that you’ve covered all aspects of the task • write in full sentences i.e. NO DOTPOINTS • Support your work by using evidence from your required texts, the readings set over the 13 weeks of semester and articles you find as you research the topics. • Students who use set readings and who then read more widely tend to achieve a higher grade as they deepen their understanding • Cite your sources of information consistently throughout the essay (in-text references) using a recognized style of referencing as outlined in the QUT resource Cite/Write on the library website http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/. A comprehensive use of referencing, both in- text and in a single reference list at the end of the document to all the sources you use, is mandatory. • Include a reference list starting on a new page consistently using a recognised style of referencing that includes ALL and ONLY the sources referred to in your essay • NOTE: lectures are designed to introduce you to issues, stimulate your thinking and interest and suggest avenues for further learning. NSB017: Diversity and Health: Cultural Safety; Indigenous Perspectives Page 2 of 5 • CITING AND REPRODUCING LECTURE MATERIALS IS NOT EVIDENCE OF ADEQUATE WORK ON RESEARCHING MATERIALS TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWERS Learning Outcomes [LO] Assessed in this Assessment: • LO1: Analyze and identify the dominant values, assumptions and processes that shape health systems and nursing care in Australia • LO2: Describe historical, social and policy issues and their impact on the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people, Torres Strait Islanders and others • LO3: Use theoretical frameworks to reflect critically on how personal factors and cultural identity may influence cultural safety when caring for people from diverse backgrounds and lifestyles • LO 4: Apply the principles of cultural safety to contexts of nursing care …PLEASE GO TO THE FOLLOWING PAGES FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS… NSB017: Diversity and Health: Cultural Safety; Indigenous Perspectives Page 3 of 5 PART 1: 500 words/15 marks (choose A or B) A Background In the week 1 and subsequent lectures we introduced you to sociological perspectives on health and nursing care encouraging you to understand societal issues that impact on individuals’ health but that are beyond the control of individuals. Theory A sociological perspective also helps you to understand how the health services where you will be working are shaped by societal issues. The topic of your lecture in week 3 and your second tutorial in week 4 was Bio-power and Medical Dominance: Knowledge, Power and Discourse. In week 1’s lecture you were introduced to the approach of cultural safety and cultural safety was the topic of the lecture in week 4. Tutorials in weeks 2, 8, 10 and 12 specifically focused on cultural safety while other tutorials had material suggesting the need for cultural safety. Your tasks: * Firstly identify 2 key assumptions underlying biomedical dominance. *Assess each one against the principals of cultural safety and give your argument as to whether they support or diminish culturally safe practice. *Drawing on published sources (e.g. your required readings and other articles) discuss how biomedical dominance shapes health services in Australia using the 2 assumptions you identified as examples ——Your answer must use relevant literature to support your arguments. L01, L03, LO4—- B Background In your lectures in week 4 we discussed cultural safety and in week 5 we discussed racism. In tutorials in week 6 we discussed racism and in week 12 we discussed inclusion/exclusion, white privilege and cultural safety.