Explore the psychological factors relating to Rebecca?s birth experience that may affect the mother infant dad.

Order Description

Please use current references from 2010 to 2016 and my required text should be part of the reference:

Haley, C. (Ed.) (2013). Pillitteri?s Child and family health nursing in Australia and New
Zealand. Sydney, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Pairman, S., Tracey, S., Thorogood, C. & Pincombe, J. (2010). Midwifery: Preparation for
practice. (2 ed.) Sydney, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier.

1500 words Essay

For this assessment you are required to select either ONE (1) of the scenarios below, review the literature relating to the scenario and devise a plan of care for the family in the scenario.

Your response should:
? Be written using a short essay writing format.

? Adopt a family strengths approach.

? Comprehensively respond to all sections of the scenario.

? Demonstrate critical reflection, analysis and critique of the identified issues.

? Identify strategies and outcomes to address the issues in the scenario concerned and
provide a clear, concise and logical rationale for these strategies and outcomes.

? Analyse and review relevant peer reviewed literature relating to the scenarios selected and related questions/activities. Where appropriate use the literature to support your rationale
for your selection of strategies through which to address issues in the scenario.

Scenario One:

Mary and her partner Mark are delighted to be expecting their first child. Mark 37 is an engineer and works away from home for long periods of time. Mary 32, is an only child and her parents live nearby. Mary is working full-time in a senior management position and plans to take 12 months maternity leave from her position. Mary has experienced 6 years of infertility, while this is her 4th pregnancy none of Mary?s previous pregnancies have progressed past 10 weeks gestation. Mary is now 38 weeks pregnant, she is well and her pregnancy has progressed without complication. Mary is adamant she is going to have a drug free labour and normal vaginal delivery. She has developed a birthing plan that identifies Mark as her primary support, following the principles of CALM birthing. Mary intends on breastfeeding her baby.

. Identify and discuss the resources that Mary may have utilised to help facilitate her birth plan.

. Discuss the benefits of a drug free ?gentle? vaginal birth that requires no medical intervention

. Identify and discuss the role of the health professional in supporting Mark and Mary?s birth plan.

Scenario Two:
Rebecca 30 and Todd 31 are expecting their first child. Todd and Rebecca have been married for 3 years and have very supportive families. This is Rebecca?s first pregnancy and it is planned. Rebecca has been well before and during her pregnancy. When Rebecca is 41 weeks plus 3 days pregnant cervical ripening is attempted using localised prostaglandins. Labour does not commence. Rebecca is now 11 days postdates it is decided to induce labour. Rebecca has her membranes artificially ruptured and meconium liquor is present. Rebecca is now commenced on continuous foetal monitoring and intravenous synthetic oxytocin is commenced. After 4 hours of contracting Rebecca asks for an epidural for pain relief. 10 hours after artificial rupture of membranes Rebecca has a baby boy, Tom, delivered by emergency caesarian section. Tom has respiratory distress and is admitted to neonatal intensive care nursery for respiratory support. Rebecca is concerned she will not be able to breastfeed Tom because he is unwell and she has had major surgery.
? Discuss the implication of Rebecca?s birth experience for Rebecca, Todd and Tom.

? Outline how the health professional can support Rebecca and Tom in the post-natal period
with the aim of initiating and achieving successful breastfeeding.

? Explore the psychological factors relating to Rebecca?s birth experience that may affect the
mother infant dyad.

The essay should demonstrates a logical, clear and concise approach to responses to assignment requirements and congruence of all elements of this response.
Outstanding discussion and response to all questions. Evidence of an exception and comprehensive critical analysis of all issues within the scenario. Exceptional strategies presented to address the scenario issues. Outstanding clear and concise presentation of logical rationales. Exceptional. Very well presented and superbly written. Clear concise analysis and synthesis of high quality, relevant peer reviewed literature. The literature is clearly linked