Firstly, please do read the requirements attached. All information provided in the case study should be answered, and rational should be provided for all information/ conditions with supporting references. Recommended references for this unit are attached below. Please do frequent citations as well, and please do not references older than 2012. This is a case study, so it should be person centred.

This unit is based on child and adolescent, so supporting document/ reference based on child and adolescent should be given priority. Also, refer to HD section of marking guide for tutor’s expectations. There is more information on attached document. TEXTS AND REFERENCES Required text(s) Berman, A.J., Snyder, S., Levett-Jones, T., Dwyer, T., Hales, M., Harvey, N., Stanley, D. (2012). Kozier & Erb’s fundamentals of nursing (2nd Australian ed.). Sydney : Pearson . Haley, C. (Ed.). (2016). Pillitteri’s Child and family nursing in Australia and New Zealand (2nd ed.). North Ryde, New South Wales: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Pty Ltd. Recommended references Ball, J., Bindler, R. & Cowen, K. J. (2015). Principles of pediatric nursing: caring for children. Boston: Pearson. Ball, J., Bindler, R., & Cowen, K. (2013). Child health nursing: partnering with children and families (3rd ed.). Boston : Pearson. Barnes, M., & Rowe, J. (Eds.) (2013). Child, youth and family health: strengthening communities (2nd ed.). Sydney: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. Bowden, V.R., & Greenberg, C.S. (2013). Children and their families: the continuum of care (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Fraser, J., Waters, D., Forster, E., & Brown, N. (2014). Paediatric nursing in Australia:Principles for practice. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. ??NRSG257 – Child, Adolescent and Family Nursing S2, 2016 – FINAL NS Page 11 of 20 Gordon, B.K, Miles, S., McLeod, M., El Ali, M., & Gale, P.L. (Eds.) 2012. Child, Adolescent and Family Nursing. Sydney: Pearson. Haley, C. (Ed.). (2013). Pillitteri’s Child and family health nursing in Australia and New Zealand. Sydney: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Hockenberry, M.J., & Wilson, D. (Eds.) (2015). Wong?s nursing care of infants and children (10th ed.). St Louis: Elsevier Mosby. Kyle,T., & Carman,S. (2013). Essentials of pediatric nursing. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. And lastly, please do read the instructions properly as this assessment covers heavy marks

Assessment 1 and Rubric Page 1 of 6
Assessment Task 1 ? Case Study
Description: Please refer to the NRSG257 assessment and additional resources tiles in LEO for more comprehensive information on this assessment task.
Due date: Monday 12th September at 2400 hours.
Weighting: 40%
Length and/or format: 1600-word academic essay
Purpose: This assessment task will allow students to demonstrate their critical thinking and reasoning, as well as their research skills. Students will also demonstrate how evidence based information can be implemented into contemporary Australian Nursing practice.
Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, & 9
How to submit: Submit the essay through the Turn-it-in LEO Assessment Task One in your campus tile. Please review the upload box to ensure that you have submitted the correct assignment. Allow at least one day to review Turn-it-in submissions for similarity and consider re-submitting.
Please note: Email is not an appropriate electronic submission mode for this assessment item.
Return of assignment: Grades and feedback will be made available through the method indicated by the lecturer in charge, according to ACU policy three (3) weeks after submission.
Assessment criteria: The rubric for this assessment is outlined in full below. The essay is aimed at critically evaluating the research explored related to a chosen case study presented. This essay requires use and evaluation of evidence- based sources when caring for children, adolescents and their families in relation to current Australian nursing practice.
Assessment 1 and Rubric Page 2 of 6
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose one (1) of the case studies below and address the two (2) associated questions. Your Assessment will be written in academic essay format with an introduction, body and conclusion. Using evidence specific to your chosen case study, address the following two (2) questions:
1. Describe the pathophysiology of the presenting complaint in the scenario (300-500 words) and link this to question 2.
2. Evaluation of the nurse?s role to deliver developmentally appropriate nursing care in relation to care of the child and family in the chosen case study including: I. growth and developmental theories, II. family centred care and, III. the effects of hospitalisation of the child and family (1100-1300 words).
Case Study 1