How does the theory guide your assessment of the Phenomenon of interest?
Phenomenon of Interest: Polypharmacy and its Potential Effects in Elderly Patients
Order Description
For this assignment, you will be further defining your Phenomenon of Interest within a theoretical and ethical framework. The same Phenomenon of Interest (POI)
identified in your first written paper should also be used for this assignment. You will begin this paper by providing a concise description of your POI, this
information should be a short summary of information your presented in your first paper.
Next, you will discuss the Fawcetts Meta-paradigm of Nursing and relate the paradigm directly to your POI. How do the four concepts within the meta-paradigm relate to
your POI? Is one more important? Do all four have the same level of importance? You should support this section with peer reviewed references as appropriate.
Specifically identify the components of the meta-paradigm within your discussion. Be sure to reference the meta-paradigm appropriately.
Then, you will select both a Grand nursing theory as well as a Middle range nursing theory. Take time to review several examples of each type of theory as the selected
theories need to fit your POI and work well together.
Grand theory discussion: identify and discuss the inter-related concepts from your selected theory. What aspects of the nursing meta-paradigm are addressed by your
grand theory? Then provide information about how you will view your POI through the lens of the grand theory. How does the theory guide your assessment of the POI? How
does the theoretical framework chosen categorize or define your POI? How does the theoretical framework effect your perception of the POI?
Middle range theory discussion: identify and discuss the inter-related concepts within the middle range theory. What aspectsof the nursing meta-paradigm are addressed
in the mid-range theory? How will this theory guide your assessment/perception of the POI? How does this mid range theory relate to your grand theory?
Complexity science: how does complexity science relate to your POI? Depending on the nature of your POI, this conversation may have different foci for different
students. For example, if your POI is glycemic management of the peri-operative patient, this discussion would center on the complex responses of the human body as a
Complex Adaptive System. If your POI is focused on a policy change issue, the focus may be on organizational complexities with communication, change, etc.
Ethical framework: you should discuss your specific POI in the context of ethical principles. Basic principles include autonomy, justice, beneficence, and non-
maleficence. Is your POI in violation of a core ethical principle? Is it possible it may be in violation? What ethical principles do you need to be sure to safeguard?
Conclusion: this section should not contain any new information but should only provide a summary of what what discussed in the paper.
A few important points:
Since you are going to be discussing theories within this paper, it is very important to provide the PRIMARY source when referencing the theory either in text and on
the reference list. Who wrote the theory? And when was it published? Answer those questions and that is who the citation should be. For example, Rogers theory of
unitary beings should be cited to Rogers, not to a text book or journal article that discusses the theory. If you are having problems locating the original source for
the theory, refer to the reference lists with articles or in books that your are reviewing. You will almost certainly find the original source referenced within the
article or textbook.
This is a scholarly assignment which means it should be liberally referenced with peer reviewed literature. Support what you say with evidence from the literature.
There is no hard and fast rule for the number of references to include, but for an assignment of this magnitude, I would say that 10-12 references would be a
minimum. There a number of potential references provided for you in the Required readings and resources of this Lessons Unit. This should be a great start, but
searching the literature for further resources is also going to be required.
Grading criteria Points
Introductory paragraph. There must be a thesis statement that tells the reader what will be discussed in the paper. /1
Phenomenon of Interest: give a brief description of the Phenomenon of Interest that will be the basis of the discussion for this paper. This should be a short summary
of the information presented in the first paper for this course and should be supported with peer reviewed references. /2
Nursing Meta-paradigm: discuss the meta-paradigm of nursing as it relates specifically to your POI. What concepts within the meta-paradigm does your POI speak to?
Support this discussion with peer-reviewed references as appropriate. /3
Grand Nursing theory: select a grand nursing theory. Provide a succinct discussion of the inter-related concepts identified within the nursing theory. Discuss your POI
within the framework provided by the grand nursing theory. How will the selected theory guide your assessment and perception of the identified POI? Be sure to use the
PRIMARY source when citing, referencing the nursing theory. /6
Middle range nursing theory: select a middle range nursing theory. Provide a succinct discussion of the inter-related concepts identified within the middle range
theory. How does your middle range theory fit with your grand nursing theory? Discuss your POI within the context provided by the middle range theory. How will the
selected theory guide your assessment and perception of the POI? Be sure to use the PRIMARY source when citing/referencing the middle range theory. /6
Complexity science: discuss your POI within the framework of complexity science. Depending on your POI, this discussion may have organizational, leadership, or
physiologic focus. /3
Ethical framework: Identify and discuss ethical principles that have direct application to your POI. This may include such principles as autonomy, justice,
beneficence, etc. /3
Conclusion: this section should summarize the information presented in your paper.
Total points