I would expect you to use relevant references to support your nursing care. This will include the textbook, a pharmacology text, and some relevant research based articles. There is no set number, however please read around the topic. A reference for example on ?Pneumothorax in Rabbits? is NOT a suitable reference. However good use of relevant articles is required needed. You need to use GOOD references and use them appropriately.

Assessment 2 Guide
Case Studies for Written Assessment
Mrs Jane Johnston is a 60 year old female who presented with acute abdominal pain. The pain came on yesterday after eating dinner.
Observations on presentation-
T 37.8, PR 96, RR 28, BP 90/60 Patient is complaining of sudden onset upper abdominal pain, that radiates through to the back and is associated with nausea and vomiting. GCS 15. Past history- appendicectomy at age 20. Does not drink alcohol.
Lipase is elevated at 2000. Mrs Johnson has been given a diagnosis of pancreatitis.

Academic guidelines- 1.5 line spacing, assignment cover page, HEADINGS are to be used.
Part Two-Nursing Care
Highlight the nursing care for this patient.
Choose the main ACUTE nursing aspects for your patient, for example the case study on pancreatitis you may need to cover the main acute nursing in the first 2 hours of care,
The lectures will identify what these are, and focus on the acute nursing interventions you would provide
For example- oxygenation and perfusion/ pain management/ ICC care and management- this would fit with the pneumothorax case study. For each of these discuss how you would ?nurse? this patient. In the tutorials the type of content is well covered. Please attend tutorials?
Remember to focus on nursing care not all medical treatment.
Again this section should be 1200 words.
Note: I have not included an introduction and conclusion. This is not an essay. It?s a nursing report, where in the first section- you could almost relate these to progress notes on your patient. You can use acceptable abbreviations ONLY. For example the headings CNS, CVS, and BP. This assessment can use some point form here, but include sentences where needed. Eg ?On inspection of the chest it was noted there was equal rise and fall of the chest?.
Have a look at the marking criteria as this will help you to fully understand what is required.
Safe assign will be used for this task to reduce plagiarism.
Ask questions in tutorial.
Several students each semester are cited for plagiarism. This can have serious consequences for your studies.
Once you submit your draft you go back in and check the report to identify plagiarism in your work.
Number of references
I would expect you to use relevant references to support your nursing care. This will include the textbook, a pharmacology text, and some relevant research based articles. There is no set number, however please read around the topic. A reference for example on ?Pneumothorax in Rabbits? is NOT a suitable reference. However good use of relevant articles is required needed. You need to use GOOD references and use them appropriately.
For example ?Mr Browns BP was 90/60 (Brown and Edwards, 2012).
This reference does not fit this sentence. What is being referenced here? You will see the marking criteria identify references used appropriately.
Please listen to the lecture provided to guide you in this assessment.