Identify all the signs/symptoms each individual demonstrates, which diagnostic criteria he/she appears to meet, and what severity specifiers might apply to each individual.

For this written assignment, apply the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders 5 criteria to the case study of an Adolescent and an Adult based upon the following information below. 1. Identify all the signs/symptoms each individual demonstrates, which diagnostic criteria he/she appears to meet, and what severity specifiers might apply to each individual. Provide examples from the case studies to support your conclusions. (Remember, each individual is using multiple substances.) 2. Include in your response – How effectively or not does the DSM 5 criteria apply to each case example? Provide a rationale to support your perspective. 3. Why the ages of each person an important factor when considering a diagnosis or diagnostic criteria. 4. What additional questions would you like more information about before arriving at a conclusion? While there may be no definitive or “clear cut” answers, some responses may be more appropriate than others. You are expected to develop a coherent response of at least 2-3 pages (12 point font), maximum of 4 narrative pages, excluding a cover page and references. Remember, the readings are the raw materials or sources of information for you to utilize. They provide you with a CONTEXT to the questions to be addressed in the paper. Remember to cite and reference all of your readings and any other source you believe will be helpful in writing the paper. You should explain all the technical terms and cite the course texts. APA formatting is required. Formatting Instructions for Assignments • Margins & Alignment: One inch top/bottom, 1” left, 1? right but flush left (creating uneven right margin). • Font Size and Type: 12-pt. font (Times New Roman or Arial are acceptable typefaces). • Spacing: Double-space throughout the paper including the title page, body of the document, references, appendixes, footnotes, tables, and figure captions. • Title page: Your name, the date, course name, and assignment title: • Paragraph Indentation: 5-7 spaces. • Pagination: The page number appears one inch from the right edge of the paper on the first line of every page beginning with the title page. • In-text citation: APA style includes the last name of the author(s) and the date of publication (page numbers only if it is a direct or paraphrased quotation). • References: APA style puts them on the last page (called “References”) and generally includes, Author(s) last name, first initial (date of publication) title of article, name of journal, volume(#), pages. • Abstract: Not required Case Study #1: Maria C. Maria C. is a 16-year-old Latina female. She smokes marijuana once to twice per week, and drinks alcohol at least one to two weekends a month. She has no current health problems. Recently she began dating a man several years older than her and they have been using cocaine together once or twice a month. She plans to graduate from high school next year and attend a local community college; her goal is to work as an Administrative Assistant in an Attorney’s office, and eventually become a Paralegal. She lives with her parents and her younger brother, Roberto age 12. Although. Maria has always gotten along with her parents, they found marijuana in her room twice which resulted in heated arguments. They are also beginning to suspect she has been using other drugs when she returns home late at night from being with her boyfriend, whose age they are unaware of. When they confronted her with their suspicions, more arguments resulted. They have threatened to send her to counseling if this continues, but haven’t followed through with their threats. She wishes they would mind their own business. She has never been in trouble, does not believe her drug use causes problems as she goes to school and has sound academic performance. She does her chores at home. She realizes her marijuana and alcohol use has increased from her initial use, but doesn’t really see this as a problem (and infrequent cocaine use is not a concern) because it hasn’t interfered with her school performance. Case Study #2: Terry M. Terry M. is an unemployed 26-year-old Caucasian male. He is 5’8? and weighs 230 lbs. He has been drinking heavily for the last three years. Recently he began using cocaine a few times a week and has been doing so for 2 months; his drinking has escalated over the last 7 months. He states he doesn’t feel the effects of alcohol until he has had at least 6 drinks. He has no withdrawal symptoms, however, he has experienced blackouts on a few occasions. He has had some contact with AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), and has gone to three NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meetings with a friend but does not find them helpful. He wonders if his cocaine use is a problem and if it is his alcohol use that causes him to have extreme mood swings. He has had problems with his girlfriend. He stopped drinking completely 2 years ago because of the problems with his girlfriend and noticed changes after he stopped; however, he began drinking again on weekends with friends. He tries to limit his drinking to weekends but he has returned to daily drinking and now includes the use of cocaine. He currently lives with his girlfriend Janice. She is “fed up” with his drinking and cocaine use, and gave him an ultimatum “to do something” or move out. He has high blood pressure for which he’s been prescribed medication. His doctor has told him to cut down on his drinking or stop all together. His doctor is unaware of his cocaine use. Terry also smokes 1 1/2 packs of cigarettes a day. He has no significant psychiatric symptoms, although he becomes very angry and hostile when using cocaine and alcohol together. This has added to his problems with his girlfriend.