In this assignment you are to select a topic you are interested in that pertains to this course and develop an information/ fact sheet either for parents or staff as the target audience.

Information/ fact sheet

Order Description
Word limit 1500 words. There are two parts in this assessment. Part A is a Draft for peer review of the information/ fact sheet and Part B is the actual information/ fact sheet. I will like current reference in the last five years. Will also like my required text to be part of my reference which are Gardner, S., Carter, B., Enzman-Hines, M., & Hernandez, J. (2011). Merenstein & Gardner’s Handbook of Neonatal Care. St Louis: Mosby Elsevier.
Lissauer, T., Fanaroff, A., Miall, L., & Fanaroff, J (2016). Neonatology at a glance. Third Edition. United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.
The purpose of this assignment is to assess your theoretical knowledge of contemporary nursing practice, your communication skills and your ability to present clear and accurate information in a format that is appropriate to the learning needs of the targeted audience. The assignment is also designed to assist you to present information which takes into account appropriate use of language and which is presented in a logical format.
In this assignment you are to select a topic you are interested in that pertains to this course and develop an information/ fact sheet either for parents or staff as the target audience.
Some topics you may consider are:
• Neonatal abstinence syndrome
• Expression and storage of breast milk
• Jaundice in the newborn
• Infant of a diabetic mother
• Breastfeeding the preterm infant
• Infection prevention strategies in SCN
• Tube feeding
• Oxygen therapy
• Humidifies high flow nasal cannula
Your information/ fact sheet should include:
1. A brief, but comprehensive, overview of the pathophysiology and its implications written at
an appropriate level for the target audience
2. Relevant management of the chosen topic including nursing care of the infant and family
3. Identification of sources of additional information that may be useful to your target audience.
4. You will need to demonstrate critical reflection, analysis and critique of the identified issues using relevant evidenced based literature
5. Ensure that you demonstrate a family strengths/ family centred approach throughout your information/ fact sheet.
As part of this assignment you are required to obtain peer review on the information that you are providing in your information/ fact sheet. To gain peer review you should submit your information/ fact sheet on the assignment 1 discussion board on the due date specified for Part A. You may attach your fact/ information sheet as a word/ PDF document so as to not lose your formatting.
All students are expected to review and comment on a number of the draft information/ fact sheets relating to its appropriateness and/or usefulness as an information brochure for the designated target population.
As this is an academic assignment, please ensure that the information you present in your information sheet is based on evidence, that it is presented clearly and succinctly and referenced appropriately.

Excellent information sheet. Information on the key issue is insightful and meaningful. Clearly evidenced and supported by the literature. Excellent understanding of pathophysiology and its implications in the information sheet. Exceptional discussion on management & its implications with superior evidence of nursing care. Exceptional. Very well presented and superbly written. Clear concise analysis, synthesis and critical evaluation of the literature. Independent and original thought to bring the analysis to a logical conclusion. Excellent understanding and use of the family centred approach in all responses to questions. Excellent additional education resources provided that are applicable to the target audience. Peer review comments insightful and demonstrate excellent knowledge of the topic.