Include sections: Purpose, Method, Findings, Conclusions.References are not normally required here. Do not use abbreviations in the abstract.
1000 words Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION
The purpose of this chapter is to outline the context within which your study is undertaken. It sets the scene and establishes the current status quo.
Sets the scene and gives reasons for study and relevance to service improvement.
Outlines the controversies, debates and challenges in relation to the specific area of enquiry.Includes specific questions or areas to be addressed in the review
The choice of topic must include a nursing or midwifery focus.
500 words Chapter 2: METHODS
The purpose of this chapter is to outline and justify the methods used.Include your search strategy key words and MeSH terms (Medical Subject Headings) or Subject Headings or Thesaurus Terms used.
Documents and other sources used with rationale, e.g. computer search, indexes, bibliographies, inclusion and exclusion criteria for final selection. How you critiqued the literature, e.g. the framework you selected or developed, and the rationale for this. An acknowledgement of the limitations of the material you have accessed. Identification of the main themes to arise from the literature search. This will include your rationale for choice and relevance to the service user/carer perspective/service improvement. You may extend your search beyond the UK literature; however you must consider the issue of transferability and generalisability of such international evidence to the UK setting and your particular scope of practice.
4,500 words Chapter 3: CRITICAL REVIEW of the literature
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a synthesis of the available evidence on your selected topic. This will include a critical review of both primary research and other sources of evidence which will help you answer your question or specific area of enquiry you set out at the beginning of this dissertation. You may wish to organise this chapter into sub-sections which reflect the main themes of your literature review
Focus on the questions or specific area of enquiry identified in the introduction.
Provide an analytical and evaluative review of the available literature, preferably not older than 10 years. However older items may be included if these are seminal works or there is a lack of more recent evidence.
Critique the research and other sources of evidence used and state your conclusions in relation to the findings, and their trustworthiness. You are expected to show evidence of critical analysis of a range of evidence. In order to achieve this learning outcome and depending on your field of enquiry it is expected that you will need to critique between 4 -10 primary research studies in addition to a range of other sources of evidence and supporting literature, for example policies, guidelines and secondary research.
2,000 words Chapter 4: DISCUSSION
The purpose of this chapter is to draw appropriate conclusions from the literature review in an attempt to answer the questions posed or illuminate your area of enquiry with a specific focus on service user/carer/service improvement perspectives.
Link back to research questions / area of enquiry identified in the introduction.
Your conclusions from the analysis, synthesis and evaluation of the literature you have reviewed. Critical analysis of the implications for practice. A specific focus on service user/carer/service improvement perspectives. This may also relate to implications for policy, education, management or further research. Recommendations for practice. If appropriate change management and barriers to practice/change.