Management Focus: Review the below artiquel of literature that focuses on ways to motivate medical imaging and therapy workers. The review could describe how and why trends in motivation strategies have changed over the past ten years (e.g. Technology changes, Generational preferences, financial restraints, Regulatory pressures).

You may want to include and focus on middle management motivation, a historical perspective on changes for radiology middle managers over the past ten years including the reasons they may or may not be motivated and analyze the usefulness of several established motivators when applied in a typical radiology department.

• For the first time in history, radiologic science (RS) workplaces consist of 4 generational cohorts. As each cohort possess their own attitudes, values, work habits,and expectations,motivating a generational diverse workplace is challenging.
• Through the understanding of generational differences,managers are better able to accommodate individual as well as generational needs and help create a more productive and higher performing workplace.
• The purpose of this paper is to assist managers in the understanding and utilization of generational differences to effectively motivate staff in an RS workplace.Generational cohorts will be defined and discussed along with an in-depth discussion on each of the generations performing in today’s RS workplace.
• Motivators and how they impact the different generational cohorts will be addressed along with how to best motivate a multigenerational RS workplace.
For the first time in history, 4 generations, each with its own work ethics, attitudes, and behaviors, comprise today’s imaging facilities. Because of the different values inherent in each generation, managing today’s workforce presents unique challenges and opportunities. One of the challenges is identifying and effectively utilizing motivators for each of the different generations.To better understand how and why motivators have different impacts on different generations, each of the generations will be discussed in terms of their origins and how their unique experiences help shape their perceptions of the workplace. Motivators for each generation and how these motivators may be utilized in the radiologic science (RS) workplace will be addressed based on the needs and perceptions of the different generations.
Generational Cohorts
Generations, also termed “cohort groups”or “generational cohorts,” are described as an identifiable group that is born within the same time-frame, usually spanning 15 to 20 years, and experience the same historical, political, and social events at critical developmental stages. These events along with parental guidance help establish collective, general frame of thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors.1–3 There is no definitive beginning or ending point for each generation as literature varies the dates according to authors’ preferences.
As with any grouping of individuals, stereotyping is a concern. It is realized that grouping individuals into generational cohorts is a broad over-generalization and this is not meant to imply that everyone within the specific cohort will possess the same attitudes, values, and beliefs. The grouping of individuals into generational cohorts merely addresses the notion that people are influenced by life experiences and these experiences are what impact behaviors, thoughts, and attitudes.1
Veteran Generation
The Veteran generational cohort is typically referred to as those individuals born between 1925 and 1945. Also known as the traditionalists or the mature generation, this generational cohort was brought up in difficult times as they struggled through the Great Depression and World War II.2,4Newspapers and radio were the primary sources of news while telephones were in use; however, long distance communications were very expensive and uncommon.
As stated by Kupperschmidt, the majority of the Veteran generation was reared in a Judeo-Christian environment based on moral truth and strong work ethics.5 The expectations of this generational cohort as children, according to Weston, were that they were to be seen and not heard and they would show respect for all authority figures.6
Because of the economic conditions during the Great Depression and the political uncertainty ofWorld War II, the Veteran generation learned to be hard working, financially conservative, and guarded. Having experienced wartime rationing and conservationism, they prefer the more conservative approach when dealing with finances.2,4 Heroes of this generation were the figures of authority otherwise known as the “good guys.” The respect the Veteran generation had for authority as children continues as adult employees. In the workplace, Veterans are loyal, dedicated, and respectful of rules, roles, and authority. These behaviors are a result of what was expected from them and witnessed by them while growing up.7
Motivators for Veterans