Rationale for having a human resource department and the legal framework for contemporary HR services. Appropriately reference supporting literature and use case example when applicable always showing your analysis of your readings as you discuss the importance of an effective HR Service to the organizations ability to meet its vision, mission and values.
Required Textbooks: (Read chapter 1-5)
Fallen, L.F. & McConnell, C. (2014). Human resource management in health care. Principles and practice. Burlington MA: Jones and Bartlett. {ISBN 1-4496-8883-7}
I work for the Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center in Augusta GA. I work in ambulatory surgery, preop and post op.
Discussion Posts: Your discussion posts are scholarly entries that should meet the requirement of demonstrating that your understanding, analysis, synthesis, and application of the study topic and the evidence you reference to be able to do this. This means that all discussion entries will be appropriately referenced. Since your entry is to identify your ?gained competencies as listed here, it is not a series of quotes from the literature you reviewed and nor is it a copy and paste from your readings with a simple, I agree with the following or a listing of the following. It must reflect your voice and thinking and uphold these scholarly standards. They are also not short papers or long dialogues. Below is a sample of a scholarly post which demonstrates that the student?s organization of her/his thoughts; showed how she/he succinctly analyzed (and/or reflected on) the literature; used a case example relevant to the topic; and appropriately quoted references within and at the end of the discussion post.
Discussion Week 7
As I reflect on communication as a leader it does cause me some anxiety. Technology is changing so quickly it is stressing communications and relationships in organizations (Gifu, Dima, Teodorescu, 2014). Recently, during an employee satisfaction survey it was identified by staff that communication between leadership and staff was not good. Staff identified they were not being made aware of changes or announcements. I was not completely surprised by this. One area as a leader I have to grow in is my communication skills. According to Marquis & Hutson (2015) communication is one of the most important skills of a leader, especially interpersonal communication.
One example of communication not being communication well is with a recent system communication about vacation moratorium in 2017. The organization is going live with a new EMR in July of 2017 so an email came out from leadership that no vacations will be granted 8 weeks before go live and 2 weeks after. This was the first line in the email. Further down the email there was a statement that the 8 weeks prior to go live could be flexible depending on the training schedule that will not be out till January 2017. Many employees were upset about this email. I did not have the same reaction. I read the email as before go live there will be flexibility but 2 weeks after there would not be. The internal and external climate affects communication from the sender and the receiver (Marquis & Hutson, 2015). Notifying employees well in advance of the vacation hold is important. One strategy to decrease the level of anxiety and anger this email generated could have been to start out with the statements of 8 weeks prior to go live are flexible but vacation maybe denied due to training that needs to occur.
What I have done at each staff meeting is to have an open discussion with staff and hear their concerns. With these situations that can be tense and at times I am feeling attacked, I really focus on my body language. According to Marquis & Hutson (2015) the way a person presents their body is so important with nonverbal communication. Frequently, I reflect back the message to the sender to clarify my understanding of the message (Marquis & Hutson, 2015).
In conclusion, communication is a vital part of a successful leader and an area for growth for everyone. Realizing the mode of communication can affect how a message is interpreted is important for leaders to understand (Marquis & Hutson, 2015). This will always be an area for me to work on regardless of my role in an organization.
Gifu, D., Dima, I. C., & Teodorescu, M. (2014). New communication approaches vs. traditional
communication. International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, (20), 46-55.