Selection of your Case Study Students are required to select the scenario representative of their own health professional discipline and compare and contrast their duties in the chosen scenario to the duties of different health care professionals. If students are studying in a course that is a dual degree, they can focus on their two professional specialties for this assessment task.

As there are many disciplines undertaking the unit, you should pick the scenario that will represent a moral dilemma in your discipline. The scenarios are mainly generic and if you look at them holistically, they will demonstrate a multidisciplinary perspective. Think about how you would be involved in any given scenario.

As a guide only I have provided the following general essay information.

Paragraph and essay structure

An essay includes an introduction, body and conclusion.

The assessment task is 2000 words.

1. The introduction should provide the reader with a framework for the essay and what will be discussed. Sometimes it?s easier to write the introduction last or after you have completed outlining what you will be discussing. (Approximately 100 words)

2. The body of the essay is the crux of your discussion and will consume the bulk of your words. Your paragraph structure is important to note as follows:
? Each paragraph should have an introductory and concluding statement.
? Each paragraph should have a direct connection with the one prior and one after it. This allows the essay to flow.
3. The conclusion should provide a summary of the key points presented in the essay. (Approximately 100 words)

4.The definitions used in your essay should only use academic references (not online dictionaries)

5. It is important to note that this is an academic essay and should be written in the third person.

6. There are no minimum requirements for the number of sources you use however as a general guideline an academic paper can have 1 source per hundred words.

7. In regards to the currency of the references, there is no pre-determined time limit on the publication dates of your philosophical sources. However, if the discussion concerns current practice in your profession it will be expected that current and relevant literature is used (Usually within 5 years published age). If you have sourced a reference that is older than this you must demonstrate how it is relevant in your writing.

Finally from the rubric defining what we mean by the following:
Content, evidence and examples
Everything you have included should be relevant to the scenario and to the unit ? Health care ethics and health law. Examples to support you resolution will enhance your discussion. You can source these from real legal cases that are accessible through the library or online.

Critical thinking, reasoning and evaluation of the evidence ? What do the experts state regarding the topic? Here you present the research you have undertaken and looking at different perspectives. You should then synthesis the research by asking yourself ?What connections can I make regarding the research into expert discussions? and finally evaluation means what conclusion do I come to after presenting the arguments based on my analysis and synthesis?

Referencing ? Must be APA 6th edition.

Assessment Task 3: Essay ? An Ethical Dilemma

Case study 4, address the following points.

1. Determine the stakeholders including two health care professionals in the case scenario:
RN, Paramedic and Patient

2. Differentiate the ethical and legal conflicts and explain them from the following perspectives:
? The dignity and rights of stakeholders in this case
RN ? Deontology and Virtuous, has the stakeholder done the right thing? PARAMEDIC ? Deontology,
PATIENT ? Libertarianism (dignity of patient)

? The principles of health care ethics that inform professional practice
RN ? Beneficence, Non-maleficence, PARAMEDIC – Non-maleficence, PATIENT – Respect for autonomy

? The relevant nursing codes of ethics and codes of professional conduct
RN ? Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics
PARAMEDIC ? Code of Conduct