T he Hillsboro County Home Health Agency (HCHHA), originally named the Middleboro Home Health Agency, was founded in 1946 as a nonprofit home health agency to provide healthcare services to the area’s population. Three years ago, in conjunction with establishing

an office in Jasper, the organization changed its name to reflect better its countywide orientation. Today, it is the only Medicare-certified home health agency in Hillsboro County. The Joint Com­

mission also accredits it.


“The mission of HCHHA is co serve individuals in their usual environments and is concerned with well people as well as people with illness or disabilities. We strive co prevent disease or co retard its progress and to reduce the ill effects of unavoidable disease. We provide quality nursing and therapeu­ tic care co the noninstitutionalized sick and disabled. We also provide information and encourage­ menc to individuals and families, special groups, and the community as a whole for the promotion of health.” (Approved by the board of directors, December 31, 2010.)

Case 2: Hillsboro County Home Health Agency, Inc.


Overall responsibility for HCHHA rests with the board of directors. The 21-person board meets monthly to review the status of the corporation. Except as noted the board acts as a committee of the whole. All directors serve for a three-year term and may be reelected by the board. The executive committee nominates individuals for membership on the board. The new board then elects its officers. The election of directors is done by the full board at the June meeting. New directors and officers take their positions beginning July 1. Last year a consultant recommended that the board cease being self-perpetuating and establish mandatory term limits. The board is still considering this concept.

The executive committee (president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer) meets, as needed, with the executive director to resolve special issues and plan board meetings. In April of each year, the executive committee prepares a slate of nominees for new board members. The finance committee meets monthly with the executive director to review the financial status of the corporation. It also reviews and recommends the new annual bud­ get to the full board for approval. The professional advisory committee meets monthly to review issues related to clinical care and quality standards.

Membership on the current board includes Janet Myer, senior vice president at the Middleboro Trust Company. She is currently president of the board of directors and has one year remaining on her third three-year term. She lives in Middleboro. This is her fourth consecutive year as board president. It should be noted that Myer was instrumental in the reorganization of the agency three years ago. David Ruseski, owner of Ruseski Auto Sales in Middleboro and Jasper, is in his second year as vice president of the board. His first three-year term on the board will expire next June, but he has agreed co serve for another three-year term if he is nominated. During 2012 he chaired the firntnce committee. Ruseski lives in Miffienville. Mary Steel, JD, is the elected sec­ retary. She maintains her solo law practice in Miffienville and lives in Middleboro. Steel has been on the board for nine years. Steve Meadows is the elected treasurer. He is the senior partner in the accounting firm of Meadows and Associates in Middleboro. He has served on the b.oard for 14 years. As treasurer, he is a member of the finance committee. He lives in Statesvill