The final project will require you to apply what you have learned through your Windshield Survey of Sentinel City to a target population of your choosing. Complete the project by comparing data from Sentinel City with similar data from the city where your target population lives.

Final presentation will include 10 parts, which are described in detail below.
Develop a PowerPoint Presentation (minimum of 14 slides and not more than 20 slides) of an overview of your community health project. The title and reference slide are not include the minimum and maximum slide requirement. Font size should be the same for title and content on all slides-except reference slide font can be as small as 12 pt. Presentation content should include:
1. Title Slide
2. Introduction [1-2 slides] Not more than 6 bullets per slide]3. Target Population [2-3 slides]4. Major Heath Concerns [3-4 slides/ 4-6 bullets per slide]5. Key Informants [2-3 slides]6. Existing Community Health Intervention [1-2 slides]7. Proposed Intervention [2 slides]8. Evaluation Plan [1 slide]9. Windshield Survey Summary [2-3 slides]10. Reference Slide

Practice-Learning Site: Chicago Illinois ?Hyde Park?

Target Population: Low income, poverty stricken and homeless children from infancy to 18 years of age.

Health Status Indicators:
(1) Anti-immunizations/Vaccinations Health Risk
(2) Lack of Economic Resource/education/funding

I. Introduction
Provide a brief introduction that includes the mission statement, vision, and/or the goals of your practice-learning site.

II. Description of Your Target Population
Compose a detailed description of your chosen target population, which is a specific group served by your practice learning site. In this section you will describe the demographic characteristics of your chosen target population, including the population?s socioeconomic status, vital statistics, education level, religion, and occupations. Include a table, graph, and/or figure display that includes relevant demographic data for your target population.

III. Comparison of Sentinel City Demographic Data
Compare the demographic data of Sentinel City with the demographic data from the city where your practice-learning site is located. You should present this information in a clear to understand table. You can use the Data Comparison Table provided in Module 2.

IV. Key Informants
Identify 3 key informants in the city where your practice-learning site is located and 2-3 questions you would ask them. Examples of key informants include, but are not limited to: political leaders, health care providers, service providers such as mail carriers or shop owners, members of the fire or police departments and long term residents of the community. People who live and work in the community are a rich source of information and can often provide data not found in printed form. Your mentor from your Practice Experience will serve as the 4th key informant. Include specific quotes in response to the questions you asked your mentor that support and/or contradict information cited in the literature.

V. Key Health Concerns or Issues
Present a list of the top 3 health concerns for your target population. Provide a brief description of these concerns and include data from you target population city that supports the rationale for selecting these health concerns. Select one of the three health concerns you identified and state why you decided to develop an intervention that addresses this particular health concern/issue. Include the Healthy People 2020 objective that relates to your identified health concerns.

VI. Community Health Nursing Diagnosis
Develop a community health nursing diagnosis based on your analysis of the demographic and health status data that you gathered, as well as your conversations with the key informants. You may consult with your practice-learning site mentor to help you develop this diagnosis.
Your community health nursing diagnosis should be written using the following format (Nies & McEwen, 2011, p. 101):

Increased risk of (disability, disease, etc.) among (community or population) related to (disability, disease, etc.) as demonstrated in or by (health status indicator, or etiological/causal statement).