This article focuses on the development and implementation of a case management program at a skilled nursing facility that specifically addresses the needs of a subacute population. In a way, it kind of does apply to my career choice of working with veterans because they need case managers to help returning to ?normal life?.


Using Search Engines

My ultimate career goal is to be an RN and work with or military veterans. I want to be a RN because I enjoy being around people in their times of need and get internal satisfaction by serving those that need help. Coming from a military family and now being a military wife I see how difficult of a time they have coming home from a combat zone. VA nurses have the option of choosing to work in outpatient clinics, home-based primary care and in nursing homes. VA nurses don?t just restrict themselves to treating and caring for wounded veterans, they are responsible for aiding in helping veterans recover from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and, aid them during rehabilitation whether its mental or physical.
To find articles on my internet search I used and typed in journals on VA nursing and found many articles about my chosen profession. I found using the internet easier than the South University online library. The paragraph I chose to copy and paste to cite from is from the journal Partnership to Improve Quality Care for Veterans: The VA Nursing Academy.
?More than 22 million living veterans reside in the United States. In fact, understanding military culture and the experiences of these veterans is important to their ongoing health care and the unique challenges faced by many. The Veterans Affairs (VA) Nursing Academy began in 2007 to fund pilot partnerships between schools of nursing and local VA health care facilities to better serve our veteran population. Fifteen academic/service partnerships were selected for funding between 2007 and 2009 with the goals of expanding faculty and professional development, increasing nursing student enrollment, providing opportunities for educational and practice innovations, and increasing the recruitment and retention of VA nurses?( Harper, Doreen C. et al. 2009)

While searching the online library, I found many nursing journals even though I couldn?t find any articles on nursing and veterans I did find some interesting. The one article that stood out to me and I kept going back to was Nursing Case Management Issue: Volume 5(2), March/April 2000, pp 83-92 written by Dana Deravin Carr, MS, BSN, RN. This article peaked my interest because the Arthur talks about long-term goal of the program is to classify all patients into case management categories and assign them to RN case managers or social workers, based on acuity and need. The program’s purpose is to promote efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness of services for short-term subacute patients who will eventually return to the community. This article focuses on the development and implementation of a case management program at a skilled nursing facility that specifically addresses the needs of a subacute population. In a way, it kind of does apply to my career choice of working with veterans because they need case managers to help returning to ?normal life?.
I had difficulty citing the sources it has been a very long time since I had to a paper in APA format.