This assessment requires you to respond to a series of questions within given clinical scenarios and support all your answers with contemporary literary evidence. Consider the relevant contextual factors within the given scenario when developing your responses to the questions. Check the required style and examples in Black board before you start.

You will submit this assessment online via Turn it in. Look for the Turn it in tip sheets and links that are in the assessment pages of this unit for further information.
Required Style: Your responses to questions in the learning activities must be typed. Responses may be in academic prose, sentences and/or point form at your discretion. All sources used in developing your answer should be appropriately acknowledged and referenced using an APA approach consistent with QUT citewrite. Include a reference list of resources used in your assessment at the end. This is additional to the word limit. Number your answers clearly. Do not re-type or include the scenarios or assessment questions in the file you submit as this will create a high percentage of matching text in the academic dishonesty function in Turn It In.
Marking: Each mark is awarded for a key point in your response that is correct, responds closely to the focus on the question and is supported with a valid academic resource / reference. Partial marks are used. Please check the examples provided on blackboard to further clarify expectations before you begin this assessment.
Assessment Example on Black Board
An Assessment Example is located in the assessment tab of the unit blackboard site. It includes sample questions and graded responses to introduce you to assessment expectations in this task.
Use of Turn It In in this assessment: You are required to load your assignment into the Turn It In program.
Turn it in is a text matching and citation checking tool accessed through black board. It allows you to check your assignments contain your original work, determine possible incidents of paraphrasing mistakes that may constitute plagiarism and amend any identified issues prior to submission of your assignment for marking. To do this you need to load your draft assessment to Turn it in [via blackboard] and review the Turn it in report generated by the program. Once you are happy with your final assessment then load a final version into Turn it in.

Guided Scenarios
Jamie is a 29 year old male admitted to hospital 6 hours ago with severe asthma. Jamie recently started a new job in the coal mines in central Queensland (3 weeks on 1 week off) and two days ago started his days off at home in Brisbane. Last night he was out partying with mates in the Valley and became very breathless and had an acute exacerbation of asthma symptoms. He was brought in by ambulance. Apart from having asthma since childhood Jamie reports he has good health and an active lifestyle. He usually takes an inhaled preventative medication daily and a reliever (salbutamol) when he experiences asthma symptoms. He hasn?t taken his preventer medication recently as he forgot to take it with him when he went on shift at the mine.
Currently he is lying on his side flat in bed and has oxygen 6 litres a minute delivered via nasal a face mask. He looks pale and has pink lips. Peripheral capillary refill time is 3 seconds. Respirations are deep, through the mouth, slightly laboured and chest expansion is equal left and right. He had an inspiratory wheeze audible with a stethoscope. He has a frequent cough. Jamie?s skin is warm, with no evidence of central or peripheral cyanosis. Vital signs / observations are BP 130/85 mmhg, pulse 96 b/min, respiratory rate 32 r/min, temperature 36.8C and oxygen saturations 92%. On arrival in the ward for a morning clinical practice shift you are allocated to look after Jamie, supervised by your buddy nurse.

Answer the following questions referring to the above scenario of Jamie [16 marks]Questions.
1. Consider the person and contextual information in the scenario and select two points of information that could be relevant to Jamie?s current acute asthma diagnosis and oxygenation problem. Briefly explain why you think these could be relevant. [2 marks]2. Jamie currently has an oxygenation problem. Select three pieces of patient data related to this problem and for each briefly explain your understanding of the underlying pathophysiology of how each piece of data indicates an oxygenation deficit. [3 marks]3. Briefly explain two advantages of delivering oxygen via a face mask as compared to the use of nasal prongs? [2 marks]4. Briefly explain what changes in Jamie?s physical assessment data (excluding vital signs) would justify the nurse changing current oxygen therapy from a non-rebreather oxygen mask to nasal prongs? [2 marks]