This case study involves an exploration of the impact and associated challenges of chronic illness on a particular patient and their family in the Australian context. An evaluation of the provision and adequacy of care, the efficacy of management and support, and importantly the emerging role for nurses in chronic disease management will be of particular interest throughout this assessment.
ANMC Competency: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Student conclusion: 400-500 words
This assessment task will assist students to understand theories and concepts related to the prevention and non-acute management of chronic and complex illness and the role of nursing in this increasingly important arena of care.
In small groups students will prepare a presentation based on an identifiable chronic and complex illness group from the list below in an attempt to capture the lived experience of a person and their family who are on a particular illness journey. The case study chosen must be authentic, that is, it must be based on a real but unidentified person known to a student in the group, or be based on a sufficiently detailed real case described in the academic literature or other media.
Students are also required to submit an individual written conclusion to this assessment task that connects learning from the case presentation to the present and emerging role of registered nurses in chronic disease management.
Select from the following chronic and complex illness groups:
The person with heart failure
Presentations are to focus on the following aspects of the illness journey:
Models of care (highlighting self-management expectations) and recent innovations in care
1. Select an illness group (The person with heart failure)
2. Groups are required to cover each of the aspects of chronic illness mentioned above however one aspect is to be covered in greater depth. Please note the presentation is about the patient journey and you are trying to understand what this experience is like for the patient/family and convey that to your tutor and audience. Basing the presentation on an authentic patient will enhance the relevance of the presentation
3. References are to be identified throughout the presentation
4. Groups will also present their concept map of chronic illness that has been developed across the semester and discuss how their concept of chronic and complex illness has been informed by researching their chosen topic
5. Bring energy and enthusiasm to your presentation. As a group you want the audience to be engaged and learn something useful for their practise
6. Presentation techniques (can take many forms) and work allocation can be decided by each group (one person could present for example), however, at least 90% of the presentation in whatever form it takes, must be original. A 15 minute video of a patient speaking about their experience for example, would not be acceptable, but some shorter grabs would be fine
Student conclusion:(part two 400 words)
The final aspect of this assessment task is to write a short individual conclusion (400 words) to this learning experience that connects the understanding gained with present and emerging roles for registered nurses in chronic disease prevention and management. To be clear the question to be answered is: Is there an emerging role for registered nurses in chronic disease prevention and management in Australia? Relate this discussion to the general literature in this area and your case study learning.