This course, NURS 484, has 9 course outcomes and your learning will address all of these to some degree. Since all clinical situations and settings are unique, more specific/individualized outcomes are needed. Thus, please do the following:

1. Identify and describe your clinical environment. (1 point)
2. Explain the benefits of a clinical experience in this chosen environment. (1.5 points)
3. Provide at least three additional learning outcomes/goals for your practicum based on your clinical environment and personal learning needs. Please write thoughtful, thorough outcomes. Use bullet points. (4.5 points)
4. Include particular ways you intend to meet the additional learning outcomes.(3 points)
Please write thorough responses, use paragraph breaks, and follow APA formatting. The assignment is worth 10 points.

Setting Specific Outcome

Setting Specific Outcome
Telemetry Unit
Identification and Description of my Clinical Environment
Overtly, my clinical setting is specifically the telemetry unit whereby nurses acquainted with skills and training required in this department do operate. Fundamentally, all that happens in this unit is that a nurse monitors patient’s crucial signs with the help of an instrument referred to as electrocardiogram. In telemetry unit, the machine as mentioned above is used by the telemetry nurse to inspect the rate of patient’s blood pressure and heart beats to help control the extreme of these cases in the course of the medication process. An individual trained to work at this unit is known as telemetry nurse, and his or her role is to offer care to patients suffering cardiac diseases such as diabetes and heart attacks. I operate at Prince Georges Community Hospital located at Cheverly MD. The telemetry unit at this center has 22 rooms and 30 patients at the moment. Additionally, the unit has 38 beds, 8 nurses per 12 hours shift or 7 depending on if the beds are all full. Then, every telemetry nurse attends to 5 patients. Lastly, this unit handles the patients suffering from stroke, organ failures, cardiac diseases, DM, DHL, and CHF along with pre and post op patients.
Benefits of a clinical experience in Telemetry nursing
After my clinical experience at the telemetry unit, i will acquire a considerable amount of field knowledge required for me to be a qualified telemetry nurse. Interaction with professionals who have been for long in the field will help me to embody the aspects that have been incorporated in this type of setting. For instance, i will know how to use the detective machine, and this will augment my knowledge in the area of study (Pies, et al., 2014). As well, one will get the personal interaction with professionals in the field of telemetry, and this will contribute into nurturing me into a professional and qualified telemetry nurse. After one is through with the college education, it will be easy for them to adapt to the telemetry unit since they have already had prior experience, and this will make them more efficient and conversant with anything used in the arena. As well, one will know how to handle the patients along with embracing the ethics that ought to be observed by a telemetry nurse. Moreover, one will know how to handle patients of the cardiac diseases since it is in this unit whereby these patients are treated.
The learning outcomes/goals based on telemetry nursing and personal learning needs
• In the due course, one will have amassed the required practical experience that makes one a qualified telemetry nurse. Once one has acquired these skills, he or she has the potential to operate under minimal supervision.