To perform a review of scholarly information on a selected pediatric topic and describe the implications for nursing practice with the pediatric population.

Due Date: Hard copy to be submitted Feb 23, 2016, 09:30 am Rm 3213

• Select a topic of interest that you wish to explore (see Appendix A). You may choose to explore a topic that is not listed; however, you must get approval from your professor in writing prior to the start of this assignment.
• There may be a limitation to the number of students allowed to write about each topic.
• Research literature and theory should be utilized to support the paper. A minimum of 3 scholarly journal articles must be utilized to support the paper. At least 2 of the 3 articles must come from the nursing literature. One article must be a research article related to the topic. A Standard of Practice or Best Practice Guideline may be used as one of the articles.
• The body of the essay will be a maximum of five (5) pages in length, double spaced (12 font), excluding title page, reference list, and appendices.
Essay Components

• Title Page
• Introduction
o Clearly describe the topic/issue and its relevance to pediatric nursing. Develop and articulate clear thesis statement to explore within the paper.
• Discussion of scholarly articles
o Summarize and discuss the information from the selected articles as it relates to your thesis statement. Discuss the relevance to the topic.
• Nursing implications
o Discuss the implications of the evidence to nursing practice.
o Select three Bevis’ nursing tools: Caring, Communication, Problem-solving/decision-making, Teaching, Leadership/Planned Change, Research, or Advocacy. Using the three tools, discuss how the evidence from the three articles selected support the strategies used in nursing practice.
o Three Bevis’ tools must be discussed.
• Conclusion
o Provide a clear, concise summary of your findings and implications
• References
o Include all sources cited in the paper.
o APA 6th edition format (second print)
Essay Guidelines:
? A list of topics and a marking rubric (APPENDIX C) are attached as Appendices.
? All papers must be submitted in a sealed envelope. Include only your student number on the outside as your identification. Please also include the course title and the professor’s name.
? Mandatory elements to include with the essay: title page, reference list, Turnitin™ Originality Report, copies of abstract from reviewed articles
o Copies of the article abstract must be stapled and submitted with the assignment.
? All mandatory elements of the assignment must be included. Late penalties, as described, will be assigned to any incomplete assignment. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all requirements are met. Faculty will not check the envelopes at time of submission.
? The body of the essay will be a maximum of 5 pages, (double spaced, 12 font), excluding title page, and reference list.
? APA 6th edition (second printing) format must be followed.
? Grammar and spelling are important. One mark will be deducted for each grammatical or spelling error so please proof read and spell check your paper.
? A scholarly approach to referencing ideas and thoughts of others is required. For any information that is not general knowledge, cite a source both in the text and in your reference list.
? Please review the policies of St. Clair College and of the University of Windsor on plagiarism. Links to the websites are posted on Blackboard™. Plagiarized papers will be dealt with according to these policies.
? Assignments are due on the dates specified unless arrangements are made with the professor at least 5 days in advance of the due date. The professor reserves the right to ask individual students to produce work complete to date, and then decide whether or not it is appropriate to grant an extension.
? The penalty for a late assignment is a 5% deduction per day to a maximum of 25%. After 5 days, the assignment will receive a mark of zero.
o The Turnitin™ originality report is an essential element of the assignment. If it is not submitted, the assignment will be considered incomplete and late until received.

? This course is using the plagiarism prevention software, Turnitin™. It is the responsibility of the student to turn their paper into (See Appendix B for Turnitin guidelines)
o Class IDs and password information will be posted on Blackboard™.
o If you already have a profile with Turnitin, you can login with your email and click on enroll with this new class ID# 11397145 and password “intervention”. If you are new to this class you must enroll as a new user and then follow with the ID# and password. The course name is Nursing Care of Children and Youth.
o Please be sure to create your user profile by January 23, 2016. You will then have the opportunity to check for plagiarism and correct your paper.
o Each time you make changes to your paper you must re-submit to Turnitin™ so that your final copy matches your Turnitin™ report. Once you are satisfied with your report, you are to print off the results from ‘Turnitin’ and submit with your paper. This is to be submitted as an appendix.
o You must explain each of the percentages reported in the final originality report. Example: If your paper shows plagiarism related to references typed in exactly the same manner as a text, there is nothing you can do about this. You are to reflect that this is a reference in APA format and that it cannot be changed. • Your report may not be 0%. This is acceptable as long as you explain each of the % reported.
o NOTE: When you check for plagiarism, you are able to check in two ways (including references or not including references). Please do both. This will allow you to see the difference as many times the plagiarism results are due to APA references and there is nothing that needs be done with these. You are to hand in a copy with references.