Why you desire to change your way of thinking (or why not);

the grading rubric to create an outline of your assignment. Each section of the rubric should be a section of your final paper and could become the headings. Your assignment will be graded based on each element of the rubric. Compare each section of your paper with the rubric to ensure all elements are covered. Then, include an introduction and conclusion to tie the paper together. If you have any questions regarding the assignment please contact your instructor using the Course Help forum.

Reflect upon your current patterns or behaviors associated with critical thinking. Do you need a change? Why or why not?
•Choose one pattern of change in thinking that fits your personal type(s) of intelligence discussed previously. The patterns of change in thinking are located in your textbook starting on page 320 (box 11-2)
•In a 3 page paper in APA format (excluding title page and reference page), relate why this change is needed (or not needed), and how you personally are going to work to make this change in your practice environment happen. What steps will you take?
•If you are comfortable with your current thinking processes, then support why no change is needed. Refer to readings and previous assignments in the course to guide your plan development.

The plan should include:
•Your definition for critical thinking;
•the specific pattern of change in thinking you have chosen;
•Examples from your nursing practice that support your statements;
•Why you desire to change your way of thinking (or why not);
•Specific steps you will take to change your thinking or maintain your current style.

Include a minimum of three scholarly sources from the peer-reviewed professional nursing literature.

Please remember to follow APA 6th edition formatting for the title page, body of the paper, and reference page. Review the grading rubric below before beginning your paper.


Choose one pattern of change in thinking that fits your personal type(s) of intelligence discussed previously.
•Your definition for critical thinking;
• The types of intelligence that you feel are most relevant to how you think and process information;
• Examples from your nursing practice that support your statements;
Fully describe a change in thinking that fits your personal type(s) of intelligence and includes; a definition for critical thinking, the types of intelligence that you feel are most relevant to how you think and process information, and provide examples from your nursing practice to support your statements
Relate why this change is needed (or not needed), and how you personally are going to work to make this change in your practice environment happen. What steps will you take?
• Why you desire to change your way of thinking (or why not);
• Specific steps you will take to change your thinking or maintain your current style.
Fully rates why the change is needed (or not needed) and how you will make the change in your practice, identify what steps you will take to create this change

Organization Organization excellent, ideas clear and arranged logically, transitions smooth, no flaws in logic.

Grammar Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage correct and idiomatic, consistent with Standard American English

APA Format Demonstrates competent use of mechanics and APA
References References are relevant, authoritative and contemporary