Write an essay that addresses these issues. In addition to a brief introduction and conclusion, your essay should conform to all other academic writing conventions. Sub-headings may not be used, and dot points and tables should not be included in this part of the assessment item.

Mental Health part 3

Order Description

you are required to view Harrison, K. (Producer/Writer/Director). (2013). The Sunnyboy [Motion picture]. Australia: Jotz Productions, Treehouse Productions. Available: http://ezproxy.csu.edu.au/login?qurl=http://edutv.informit.com.au/watch-screen.php?videoID=655842 and from this depiction of the lived experience of mental illness compare and contrast

1. Jeremy Oxley’s experience and concerns regarding his mental health

2. The perspective of his brother and of his partner of this same experience

Consider Recovery principles in your answer and differences between the depiction of Jeremy Oxley’s experience of mental illness with that of the medical model.

Write an essay that addresses these issues. In addition to a brief introduction and conclusion, your essay should conform to all other academic writing conventions. Sub-headings may not be used, and dot points and tables should not be included in this part of the assessment item.

You should support your discussion with a MINIMUM 10 recent (less than 7 years old) and credible sources. Credible sources include, peer reviewed journal articles, text-books, evidence summaries, best practice guidelines, government documents, health facility clinical guildelines and policies/procedures and websites containing content aimed at health professionals. Please note that lecture slides will not be considered to be credible sources for this assessment task.

It is critical that all nurses appreciate the perspective of consumers of mental health services and their lived experience. Carers’ concerns are essential to develop a comprehensive understanding of the consumer of mental health services’ position. Furthermore, self-understanding illuminates attitudes and pre-conceptions that influence the nurse’s capacity to support a consumer’s determination of recovery goals.

Exploration of Jeremy Oxley’s experience and concerns about his mental health

Marking criteria
(8 Marks)
An accurate and clearly articulated exposition of Jeremy Oxley’s experience, using clearly explained examples.

8 – 6.8 marks
An accurate articulated exposition of Jeremy Oxley’s experience with the use of a number of relevant examples.

6.7 – 6 marks
A comprehensive exposition of Jeremy Oxley’s experience with limited or inaccuracies in examples used.

5.9 – 5.2 marks

A descriptive exposition of Jeremy Oxley’s experiences, with minimal examples.

5.1 – 4 marks
Jeremy Oxley’s experience in incompletely or inaccurately represented.

< 4 marks
Exploration of brother and partner’s understanding

(8 marks)
An accurate and clearly articulated explanation of both perspectives, comparing and contrasting differences with clearly explained examples.

8 – 6.8 marks

An accurate explanation of both perspectives noting differences in perspectives with examples of these.

6.7 – 6 marks
An explanation of both perspectives with limited use of examples.

5.9 – 5.2 marks.
A description of both perspectives with little use of examples.

5.1 – 4 marks
Inaccuracies in representing these perspectives, or failure to explore each perspective.

< 4 marks
Recovery principles and medical model of mental health are explored and applied to Jeremy Oxley’s Lived Experience of mental health issues.

(9 marks)
An accurate and clearly expressed analysis of Recovery principles and the medical model is articulated and applied with appropriate examples to Jeremy Oxley’s experience.

9 – 7.65 marks
A clearly expressed analysis of Recovery principles and the medical model is articulated with some application to Jeremy Oxley’s experience evident.

7.64 – 6.75 marks
An analysis of Recovery principles and the medical model is given with some application to Jeremy Oxley’s experience.

6.74 – 5.85 marks
A descriptive account of Recovery principles and the medical model is provided with limited application, or application containing some small errors to Jeremy Oxley’s experience.

5.84 – 4.5 marks

In accuracies in explanation of the Recovery principles and /or medical model or omission of part. Failure to examine application to Jeremy Oxley’s experience or inaccuracies in this.

< 4 marks
Communicate in Writing

No marks awarded but up to 3 marks may be deducted for poorly written work
Content is logically and succinctly structured to create a coherent and analytical report which consistently uses formal academic language, correct nursing terminology and adheres to grammatical conventions.
Content is logically structured to create a coherent and analytical report which mainly uses formal academic language, correct nursing terminology and adheres to grammatical conventions.
The report contains mostly logical and coherent sections.
There is some use of informal language, incorrect terminology and/or some grammatical errors.
The report contains loosely linked and basic paragraphs.
There is some use of informal language, incorrect terminology and/or some grammatical errors.
The report is disjointed and/or disorganised.
There is frequent use of informal language, incorrect terminology and/or grammatical errors.

3 marks deducted


No marks awarded but up to 3 marks may be deducted for poorly referenced work
APA guidelines for in-text referencing and the reference list are consistently adhered to, with no errors.
APA guidelines for in-text referencing and the reference list are adhered to, with 1 or 2 minor errors.
APA guidelines for in-text referencing and the reference list are mostly adhered to, with some errors.
There are several errors in in-text referencing and/or the reference list.
There are multiple errors in the in-text referencing and/or the reference list.

3 marks deducted