You are a clinical psychologist specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems among children. A colleague has sent you information regarding Daniel Smith (see below) in hopes that you will provide a second opinion as to the correct diagnosis for Daniel.
Read the case study, make a diagnosis, and then answer the following questions in a report to be written to his family. Be careful to fully explain concepts such that someone outside of the area of abnormal child psychology would understand. (DO NOT assume that you are writing this paper to me.)
1. What is the primary diagnosis for Daniel (be sure to specify the major diagnosis and type if necessary)? Using the criteria in the DSM-V specifically describe why Danielssymptoms fit this particular diagnosis. Give specific examples of the symptoms he manifests. Do not just list the symptoms of the disorder according to the DSM. It may help to use direct quotes from the case study. You must get the diagnosis EXACTLY correct. There is enough information given so that you can make the exact diagnosis. In order to help you arrive at the correct diagnosis, try doing this. First list all of the possible diagnosis that you think are relevant forDaniel, and then rule out each diagnosis until you are left with only one. Once you reach this one diagnosis, confirm it with specific examples from the case study. If you miss the diagnosis, you will only miss points in this section. The remainder of the paper will be based on the diagnosis you gave, and not the correct diagnosis. (Information in this section must be cited.) (10 points)
2. With most diagnoses there are differential diagnoses and co-morbid conditions that you need to consider. Discuss differential diagnoses and co-morbid conditions that exist with your primary diagnosis by answering Parts 1, 2, and 3. (Information in this section must be cited.) (10 points)
a. Part 1: For your primary diagnosis that you gave in question #1, list the common differential diagnoses and co-morbid conditions.
b. Part 2: Next, take one of the differential diagnoses listed in Part 1, and explain how you would make a differential diagnosis between your primary diagnosis and that particular differential diagnosis. Next, apply it to Danielscase. In other words you are going to explain why Daniel has the primary diagnosis that you gave him and not the common differential diagnosis. For example, if you gave Daniel the primary diagnosis of schizophrenia (he doesnt have schizophrenia), you would need to list Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as a common differential diagnosis, and then explain how you would make a differential diagnosis between schizophrenia and ASD. If there is additional information that you would like to have to help you make a differential diagnosis, you may discuss this here.
NOTE: Information on differential diagnosis is found in the PowerPoint presentation.
c. Part 3: Take one of the common co-morbid conditions listed in part 1, and discuss whether or not Danielalso has this common co-morbid condition in addition to his primary diagnosis. Explain why you think he also has this additional diagnosis by listing the specific symptoms that Daniel displays, or explain why he does not have this additional diagnosis by discussing what symptoms he does not display. If there is additional information that you would like to have to be able to say that he has another diagnosis, you may discuss this here.
NOTE: The differential diagnosis and co-morbid condition cannot be the same. If you rule it out in the differential diagnosis, then Danielis not going to have the disorder as a co-morbid condition.