You need to take into consider the person age, tone, be aware of your eye contact and give the patient time to think. If there is a language barrier, know how to secure an interpreter to translate. You must maintain a calm and cool demeanor.

Do a comment to each post with 2 references each. APA style, with citation and reference year not older than 2013.

Post 1

For the record, MR is a 23-year-old Native American male who reports experiencing anxiety, smoking ‘pot’ and drinking alcohol. MR reports a family history of diabetes, hypertension, and alcoholism. In addition, MR appears to be religious by his statement of being afraid that he will not get into Heaven if he persists with his behavior. According to Espey, Jim, Cobb, Bartholomew, Becker, Haverkamp and Plescia (2014), Native American has a history of discrimination and has received inadequate healthcare throughout the years. Tobacco smoking is extremely high in the Native American community. Native American had a higher rate of alcohol-attributable death in comparison to Whites (Yuan, Duran, Walters, Pearson & Evans-Campbell, 2014). According to Espey et al. (2014), there is a high heart disease mortality and diabetes mortality in the Native American’s community.

Arm with the fact that there isn’t a language barrier, the nurse introduces herself (Ball, Dains, Flynn, Solomon & Stewart, 2015). “My name is Nurse Brown,” the nurse says while quickly assessing the patient from head to toe. Patient (MR) appears jittery and appears diaphoretic. It is important to monitor patient’s behavior (Espey et al., 2014). The nurse asks targeted questions. What brings you to the clinic today? When was the last time you felt well? When did your symptoms start? What do you believe brought on this feeling? Was the symptoms the result of alcohol or smoking pot?

The ethnic and racial differences in dealing with depression are rare amongst Black, Latino and Native American opposed to the White American who would readily address issues of depression (Ball et al., 2015). However, the nurse still exhibits sensitivity in approaching patient regarding his reporting of anxiety. The nurse has to determine whether it stems from something isolated or if there exists a family history of depression. Thus, the nurse will ask open-ended questions to ascertain a health history of patient’s family background (Ball et al., 2015). The questions will commence subtly and then gradually increase in intensity.

Anyone in your family drinks alcohol? Anyone does drugs in your family? Are there any health issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure? Has he ever been admitted to the hospital? Has he had any blood transfusion? Who does life with? Are you working? Does he have a private doctor? When was the last time you saw your doctor? What do you do when you can’t sleep? What is your religious background? Do you have any other concerns?

You need to take into consider the person age, tone, be aware of your eye contact and give the patient time to think. If there is a language barrier, know how to secure an interpreter to translate. You must maintain a calm and cool demeanor.


Ball, J.W., Dains, J.E., Flynn, J.A., Solomon, B.S., & Stewart, R.W. (2015). Seidel’s guide to physical examination (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

Espey, D. K., Jim, A. M., Cobb, N., Bartholomew, M., Becker, T., Haverkamp, D., & Plescia, M. (2014). Leading causes of death and all-cause mortality in American Indians and Alaska Natives. American Journal of Public Health. 104(53). doi:2105/AJPH.2013.301798.